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[英]MySQL check if value exist in row, separated by minus

I have a table with ProductIDs and associated Accessories Ids separated by minus. 我有一个表格,其中包含产品ID和相关的附件ID,中间用负号分隔。

 ProductId    Accessories
 1            1-2-3-
 2            3-4-
 3            1-2-3-
 4            2-3-

How can I get ProductIds where Accessories Id = 2 如何获得附件ID = 2的ProductIds

I tried this query but it is not working correct 我尝试了此查询,但无法正常工作

FROM `products`
WHERE '-' + Accessories + '-' LIKE '%-2-%'
LIMIT 0 , 30

Database can't be changed. 数据库无法更改。

If you absolutely have to do this incredibly bad practise that will complicate your coding life until the day you retire: 如果您绝对必须这样做,那么非常糟糕的做法会使您的编码工作复杂化,直到退休之日:

  FROM products 
 WHERE CONCAT('-',Accessories) LIKE '%-2-%' 
  LIMIT 0 , 30 

Although the following solution also has problems with using an index, I wanted to add it for completeness: 尽管以下解决方案在使用索引方面也存在问题,但我还是想添加它以确保完整性:

  FROM `products` 
 WHERE find_in_set('2', replace(`accessories`, '-', ','))
 LIMIT 0, 30;

Explanation: 说明:

replace(accessories, '-', ',') turns the accessories lists into a comma separated list, for example 1-2-3- will be converted to 1,2,3, replace(accessories, '-', ',')将附件列表转换为逗号分隔的列表,例如1-2-3-将转换为1,2,3,

find_in_set(value, set) can then be used to see if a value is contained in set . 然后可以使用find_in_set(value, set)来查看set是否包含value

As I said earlier, no index can be used, but the performance should be measured on the live data set. 就像我之前说的,不能使用任何索引,但是应该根据实时数据集来衡量性能。

I think you almost had it. 我想您几乎已经拥有了。 Try this instead: 尝试以下方法:

FROM products
WHERE Accessories LIKE '%-2-%'
LIMIT 0 , 30

Assuming that those values ALWAYS have a trailing dash, then you've got a few cases to cover: 假设这些值总是带有一个短横线,那么您将涉及以下几种情况:

1) single value: ... WHERE Accessories = CONCAT($value, '-') 1)单值: ... WHERE Accessories = CONCAT($value, '-')
2) value at start: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '$value-%' 2)开始时的值: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '$value-%'
3) value in the middle: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '%-$value-%' 3)中间值: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '%-$value-%'
4) value at the end: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '-$value-$' 4)最后的值: ... WHERE Accessories LIKE '-$value-$'

which'd end up being this in the full(er) SQL: 最终在完整的(er)SQL中是这样的:

FROM ...
    (Accessories = CONCAT($value, '-')) OR             // single
    (Accessories LIKE CONCAT($value, '-%')) OR         // start
    (Accessories LIKE CONCAT('%-', $value, '-%')) OR   // middle
    (Accessories LIKE CONCAT('%-', $value, '-'))       // end

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