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[英]Why doesn't this js array function work?

I'm using the jQuery library, and attempting to push items to an array: 我正在使用jQuery库,并尝试将项目推入数组:

< onclick ="setFacet('myarray','val');">AOC

var myarray = [];

function setFacet(arr, bb) {
    for (var i=0; i< arr.length; i++)
        if (arr[i] == bb) 
            return true;

    return false;

I get this in chrome: 我得到这个镀铬:

Object myarray has no method 'push' 对象myarray没有方法“推”

Oh, I think I found the issue. 哦,我想我找到了问题。 In your onclick , you're calling the function with two strings . onclick ,您将使用两个字符串来调用该函数。 The first argument should be an array rather than 'myarray' . 第一个参数应该是一个数组,而不是'myarray'

If you just get rid of the quotes (and if myArray is in the global scope) it should work. 如果您只删除引号(并且myArray在全局范围内),则应该可以使用。 That is, have it look like this: 也就是说,它看起来像这样:

onclick="setFacet(myArray, 'val')"

Change: 更改:


To: 至:


then change the function setFacet to the following: 然后将函数setFacet更改为以下内容:

function setFacet(arr, bb) {
   for (var i=0; i< arr.length; i++)
       if (arr[i] == bb) return true;

   arr.push(this.innerHTML); /* "this" in the context of the "click" */
                             /* is the element clicked */

   return false;

the element with the onclick listener should be 具有onclick侦听器的元素应为

<...onclick ="setFacet(myarray,'val');">

myarray should not be quoted, otherwise it will be treated as a string. myarray不应用引号引起来,否则将被视为字符串。

You could separate your javascript from your markup altogether and just store the value as an attribute of the clicked element (or any other element) 您可以将JavaScript与标记完全分开,然后将值存储为clicked元素(或任何其他元素)的属性

<input type="button" value="someValue">

    var myArray = [];


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