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[英]SSAS -> Cube Deployment -> Unable to deploy cube without processing each dimension individually?

I have noticed that when creating my cubes if I create my cube via the cube wizard and then instantly go and attempt to deploy my cube I encounter a bunch of odd errors regarding attribute keys not being present (basically referential integrity issues) If I go through and individually process each of my 15+ dimensions (no errors occur), and then deploy my cube it works without error. 我已经注意到,在创建多维数据集时,如果我通过多维数据集向导创建了多维数据集,然后立即尝试部署我的多维数据集,则会遇到一堆关于属性键不存在的奇怪错误(基本上是参照完整性问题)。并分别处理我15多个维度中的每个维度(没有错误发生),然后部署我的多维数据集,使其可以正常工作而不会出错。 I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if this is just something due to the order in which the dimensions are being processed. 我只是想知道是否有其他人经历过这种情况,或者这仅仅是由于处理尺寸的顺序而引起的。

Are you using referenced dimensions? 您是否使用参考尺寸? Are you processing the cube in one job, full process, single transaction? 您是否在一项工作,全过程,单笔交易中处理多维数据集? Do you have RI errors in the underlying data? 基础数据中是否存在RI错误?

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