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[英]Split an array with a regular expression

I'm wondering if it is possible to truncate an array by using a regular expression. 我想知道是否可以通过使用正则表达式截断数组。

In particular I have an array like this one: 特别是我有一个像这样的数组:

$array = array("AaBa","AaBb","AaBc","AaCa","AaCb","AaCc","AaDa"...);

I have this string: 我有这个字符串:

$str = "AC";

I'd like the slice of $array from the start to the last occurrence of a string matching /AC/ (in the sample, "AaCc" at index 5): 我想要从$array的切片开始到最后一个匹配/AC/的字符串(在示例中,索引为5的“ AaCc”):

$result = array("AaBa","AaBb","AaBc","AaCa","AaCb","AaCc");

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I thought I might use array_slice , but I don't know how to use a RegEx with it. 我以为可以使用array_slice ,但是我不知道如何使用RegEx。

Here's my bid 这是我的出价

function split_by_contents($ary, $pattern){
  if (!is_array($ary)) return FALSE; // brief error checking

  // keep track of the last position we had a match, and the current
  // position we're searching
  $last = -1; $c = 0;

  // iterate over the array
  foreach ($ary as $k => $v){
    // check for a pattern match
    if (preg_match($pattern, $v)){
      // we found a match, record it
      $last = $c;
    // increment place holder

  // if we found a match, return up until the last match
  // if we didn't find one, return what was passed in
  return $last != -1 ? array_slice($ary, 0, $last + 1) : $ary;

Update 更新

My original answer has a $limit argument that served no purpose. 我最初的答案有一个$limit参数,没有任何作用。 I did originally have a different direction I was going to go with the solution, but decided to keep it simple. 我原本有一个与解决方案一起使用的不同方向,但决定保持其简单性。 However, below is the version that implements that $limit . 但是,下面是实现该$limit版本 So... 所以...

function split_by_contents($ary, $pattern, $limit = 0){
  // really simple error checking
  if (!is_array($ary)) return FALSE;

  // track the location of the last match, the index of the
  // element we're on, and how many matches we have found
  $last = -1; $c = 0; $matches = 0;

  // iterate over all items (use foreach to keep key integrity)
  foreach ($ary as $k => $v){

    // text for a pattern match
    if (preg_match($pattern, $v)){

      // record the last position of a match
      $last = $c;

      // if there is a specified limit, capture up until
      // $limit number of matches, then exit the loop
      // and return what we have
      if ($limit > 0 && ++$matches == $limit){

    // increment position counter

I think the easiest way might be with a foreach loop, then using a regex against each value - happy to be proven wrong though! 我认为最简单的方法可能是使用foreach循环,然后对每个值使用正则表达式-但是很高兴被证明是错误的!

One alternative could be to implode the array first... 一种选择是先破坏阵列...

$array = array("AaBa","AaBb","AaBc","AaCa","AaCb","AaCc","AaDa"...);
$string = implode('~~',$array);
//Some regex to split the string up as you want, guessing something like
// '!~~A.C.~~!' will match just what you want?
$result = explode('~~',$string);

If you'd like a hand with the regex I can do, just not 100% on exactly what you're asking - the "A*C*"-->"AaCc" bit I'm not too sure on? 如果您想使用我可以做的正则表达式,就不能完全按照您的要求进行100%的操作- "A*C*"-->"AaCc"位我不太确定吗?

Assuming incremental numeric indices starting from 0 假设增量数字索引从0开始

$array = array("AaBa","AaBb","AaBc","AaCa","AaCb","AaCc","AaDa");
$str = "AC";

$regexpSearch = '/^'.implode('.',str_split($str)).'.$/';
$slicedArray = array_slice($array,
                                                             function($entry) use ($regexpSearch) { 
                                                                 return preg_match($regexpSearch,$entry); 


PHP >= 5.3.0 and will give a PHP> = 5.3.0,将给出一个

Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference 严格的标准:只能通过引用传递变量

And if no match is found, will still return the first element. 并且如果找不到匹配项,仍将返回第一个元素。

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