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如何在 Graphviz 中允许重叠边缘?

[英]How can I permit overlapping edges in Graphviz?


I'm using Graphviz to create an Organizational Chart.我正在使用 Graphviz 创建组织结构图。


By default dot creates the following diagram:默认情况下dot创建以下图表:


The desired output combines the edges so that they overlap, with elbow connections:所需的输出组合边缘,使它们重叠,肘部连接:


Source Code源代码

The following source code generates the problematic diagram:以下源代码生成有问题的图表:

digraph G {
  splines = ortho;
  concentrate = true;

  node [shape="box", style="rounded", penwidth = 2];
  edge [color="#142b30", arrowhead="vee", penwidth = 2];

    rank = same

  "Main Node" -> "1";
  "Main Node" -> "2";
  "Main Node" -> "3";
  "Main Node" -> "4";

    rank = same

  "1" -> "5";
  "1" -> "6";
  "1" -> "7";


How can dot create orthogonal, elbow-joint edges in a Manhattan layout?如何dot在曼哈顿布局创建正交,肘部关节的边缘?


I have tried various combinations of sametail and tailport to no avail.我尝试了sametailtailport各种组合都无济于事。

Creating "elbow-joint" edges is only possible by inserting invisible ("dummy") nodes.创建“肘关节”边只能通过插入不可见(“虚拟”)节点来实现。

See the answer to a similar question for details.有关详细信息,请参阅类似问题的答案

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