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如何使用Aptana Studio 3和rbenv调试Ruby脚本?

[英]How do I debug Ruby scripts using Aptana Studio 3 and rbenv?

I'm using aptana studio 3 in my mac, osx lion, and I'm using rbenv to install rubies, but when I try to run the debugger in aptana I always got this error: 我在我的mac,osx lion中使用aptana studio 3,我使用rbenv来安装rubies,但是当我尝试在aptana中运行调试器时,我总是遇到这个错误:

/Users/nebiros/.rbenv/shims/ruby: line 4: exec: rbenv: not found

I already set some environment variables in the aptana ruby debug configuration window: 我已经在aptana ruby​​调试配置窗口中设置了一些环境变量:

RBENV_ROOT: /Users/nebiros/.rbenv 
RUBYLIB: /Users/nebiros/.rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p290/lib/ruby/1.9.1

I'm trying to run this command: 我正在尝试运行此命令:

  • Program: /Users/nebiros/.rbenv/shims/bundle 程序:/Users/nebiros/.rbenv/shims/bundle
  • Interpreter Arguments: -d 口译员参数:-d
  • Program Arguments: exec rake dreadful_dog:process_content --trace -- -f ./assets/test_ssss_content.zip -d /tmp 程序参数:exec rake dreadful_dog:process_content --trace - -f ./assets/test_ssss_content.zip -d / tmp
  • Working Directory: /Users/nebiros/Projects/dreadful_dog 工作目录:/ Users / nebiros / Projects / dreadful_dog

Aptana terminal loads the .aptanarc instead of .bashrc on start up. Aptana终端在启动时加载.aptanarc而不是.bashrc。 You can adjust the path configurations for rbenv like this 您可以像这样调整rbenv的路径配置

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.aptanarc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.aptanarc

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