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[英]What is the best web based application to access a database

Sometimes we deploy applications behind customer firewall and we need read only access to their DB for debugging issues as sometimes their IT people are not SQL savvy. 有时我们将应用程序部署在客户防火墙后,并且我们需要只读访问他们的数据库以调试问题,因为有时他们的IT人员不懂SQL。 We want to bundle our application with some web based application that will expose the database and allow us to fire adhoc SQL queries and show their output in HTML table. 我们希望将我们的应用程序与一些基于Web的应用程序捆绑在一起,这些应用程序将公开数据库并允许我们启动即席SQL查询并在HTML表中显示其输出。 We dont want to write home grown code and we can bundle Java/JSP based applications. 我们不想编写本地代码,我们可以捆绑基于Java / JSP的应用程序。

Our backend is Oracle so we need a solution that can connect to oracle server and expose it over the web. 我们的后端是Oracle,因此我们需要一个可以连接到oracle服务器并通过Web公开它的解决方案。

If you want the database behind a firewall, and believe me, you do want your database behind a firewall, see if you can have a VPN for going directly into the box. 如果您希望数据库位于防火墙之后,并且相信我,您确实希望数据库位于防火墙之后,请查看是否可以使用VPN直接进入包装箱。 Once you are on the VPN, you can use whichever management tool you currently use for managing the database. 进入VPN后,您可以使用当前用于管理数据库的任何管理工具。 So if you use SQL Server, you can connect via the VPN, and use Enterprise Manager to manage the database. 因此,如果您使用SQL Server,则可以通过VPN进行连接,并使用企业管理器来管理数据库。 Oracle probably has a similar tool, although I'm not that familiar. 尽管我并不熟悉,Oracle可能也有类似的工具。 While having a VPN does incur an extra cost, it will probably make things many times easier. 虽然拥有VPN确实会产生额外的费用,但它可能会使事情变得容易许多倍。

phpMyAdmin is a good favourite if you're using MySQL. 如果您使用的是MySQL,则phpMyAdmin是一个很好的收藏。 Its always a bit dangerous opening up an application like that if the db is intended to live behind a firewall, but as you say you could set it up ith a read-only account and possibly add extra layers of security on top like simple HTTP Basic auth. 如果该数据库旨在驻留在防火墙之后,打开这样的应用程序总是很危险的,但是正如您所说的那样,您可以通过一个只读帐户来设置它,并可能像简单的HTTP Basic一样在其上添加额外的安全层。授权

Oracle Tool is a pretty decent oracle web front end. Oracle Tool是相当不错的Oracle Web前端。 But so is enterprise manager. 但是企业经理也是如此。

Either way, you don't want your database open to the outside world in any way, either via some website or a listener or anything really. 无论哪种方式,您都不希望通过任何网站,侦听器或其他任何方式将数据库以任何方式向外界开放。

The VPN solution is the way to go, just get VPN and then you can use whatever tools you normally use, if VPN is not an option then a simple firewall rule allowing just your IP's access would be ok, but not quite as nice as VPN. VPN解决方案是一种解决方法,只需获得VPN,然后您就可以使用通常使用的任何工具,如果不选择VPN,则可以使用一条简单的防火墙规则来允许您的IP访问就可以了,但不如VPN那样好。

On my current project, we use SQL Navigator in order to run queries on our Oracle database. 在我当前的项目中,我们使用SQL Navigator以便在Oracle数据库上运行查询。 I've also heard decent things about TOAD . 我还听说过有关TOAD的一些体面的事。 I would advise against writing a web application just to run ad hoc SQL queries, because it seems to me that plenty of tools can support your debugging needs. 我建议不要编写仅用于运行临时SQL查询的Web应用程序,因为在我看来,很多工具都可以满足您的调试需求。

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