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Jira Confluence与Jenkins集成

[英]Jira Confluence Integration with Jenkins

I was able configure Jira confluence in the global configuration page of Jenkins, however I am not able to follow quitely how to use in the job specif configuration page. 我可以在Jenkins的全局配置页面中配置Jira confluence,但是我不能完全遵循如何在作业说明配置页面中使用。

Publish to Confluence Confluence Site 发布到Confluence Confluence网站

Space   What should I give? 
Page    What is the input?  

How to use Markup wiki, Please advise.

Extract from from https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Confluence+Publisher+Plugin 摘自https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Confluence+Publisher+Plugin

With at least one site configured, enable the "Publish to Confluence" post-build action, and select from one of the pre-configured Confluence sites. 在配置了至少一个站点之后,启用“发布到Confluence”构建后操作,然后从预配置的Confluence站点之一中进行选择。 Enter the Space and Page name where the attachment should end up (eg, for this URL (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Confluence+Publisher+Plugin), Space name = "JENKINS", Page name = "Confluence+Publisher+Plugin"). 输入附件结尾的空格和页面名称(例如,对于此URL(https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Confluence+Publisher+Plugin)),空格名称=“ JENKINS”,页面name =“ Confluence + Publisher + Plugin”)。

If you have enabled "Archive the artifacts", and wish to automatically upload everything that was archived, check the box labeled "Attach archived artifacts to page". 如果启用了“归档工件”,并希望自动上传已归档的所有内容,请选中标有“将归档的工件附加到页面”的框。 Otherwise, enter an Ant-style fileset pattern to specify which files should be uploaded. 否则,请输入Ant样式的文件集模式以指定应上传的文件。

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