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[英]SQL conversion script causes System.OutOfMemoryException

When I run the script below, I get this exception. 当我在下面运行脚本时,出现此异常。 It crashed after about 20 minutes (+/- a couple minutes). 它在大约20分钟(+/-几分钟)后崩溃。 How can I prevent this exception without creating batches? 如何在不创建批处理的情况下防止此异常? I want to do this for all client records that need it. 我想对所有需要它的客户记录执行此操作。

Exception: 例外:

An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

SQL conversion script: SQL转换脚本:

SELECT clientid 
INTO #Temp 
FROM client

    @iteratorId INT, 
    @phone NVARCHAR(64), 
    @fax NVARCHAR(64),  
    @contactid INT

WHILE (SELECT Count(*) FROM #Temp) > 0 

    SELECT TOP 1 @iteratorId = clientid FROM #Temp 
    SET @contactid = NULL

    --try and grab the first non null phone number in priority order
    SET @phone = ISNULL((
        SELECT TOP 1 
        FROM contact c 
        INNER JOIN dbo.clientcontact cc ON c.contactid = cc.contactid
            clientid = @iteratorId
            AND cc.contacttypeid=2
            AND c.dayphone IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY cc.parentclientcontactid, priority DESC

    --try and grab the first non null fax priority order
    SET @fax = ISNULL((
        SELECT TOP 1 
        FROM contact c 
        INNER JOIN dbo.clientcontact cc ON c.contactid = cc.contactid
            clientid = @iteratorId
            AND cc.contacttypeid=2
            AND c.fax IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY cc.parentclientcontactid, priority DESC

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM clientcontact WHERE clientid=@iteratorId AND contacttypeid=3 AND priority=1)
        INSERT INTO dbo.contact
                ( versionnumber ,
                  createdate ,
                  firstname ,
                  lastname ,
                  title ,
                  middleinitial ,
                  dayphone ,
                  nightphone ,
                  mobilephone ,
                  fax ,
                  securefax ,
                  extranetusername ,
                  extranetpassword ,
                  email ,
                  active ,
                  testfaxpagereceived ,
                  ftpoptionid ,
        VALUES  ( 0 , -- versionnumber - int
                  GETDATE() , -- createdate - datetime
                  NULL , -- firstname - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- lastname - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- title - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- middleinitial - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- dayphone - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- nightphone - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- mobilephone - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- fax - nvarchar(64)
                  '' , -- securefax - bit
                  NULL , -- extranetusername - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- extranetpassword - nvarchar(64)
                  NULL , -- email - nvarchar(127)
                  0 , -- active - bit
                  0 , -- testfaxpagereceived - bit
                  NULL , -- ftpoptionid - int
                  NULL  -- testresultnotify - bit
        SET @contactid = @@IDENTITY

        EXEC dbo.procContactSave 
            @contactid = @contactid, -- int
            @firstname = "General", -- nvarchar(64)
            @middleinitial = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @nightphone = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @lastname = "Info", -- nvarchar(64)
            @email = NULL, -- nvarchar(127)
            @fax = @fax, -- nvarchar(64)
            @testfaxpagereceived = 0, -- bit
            @mobilephone = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @securefax = 0, -- bit
            @active = 1, -- bit
            @extranetpassword = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @extranetusername = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @title = NULL, -- nvarchar(64)
            @ftpoptionid = NULL, -- int
            @dayphone = @phone, -- nvarchar(64)
            @testresultnotify = 0, -- bit
            @audituserid = 0 -- int

        EXEC dbo.procClientContactSave 
            @clientcontactid = NULL, -- int
            @priority = 1, -- int
            @clientid = @iteratorId, -- int
            @contacttypeid = 3, -- int
            @contactid = @contactid, -- int
            @audituserid = 0 -- int

    DELETE #Temp Where clientid = @iteratorId -- delete row so we don't loop over it again 

In the 2 stored procedures mentioned in my comments, I was calling standard web application stored procedures, which inserted a record, but also returned that record in a result set (with just the 1 record) for each iteration in the script. 在我的注释中提到的2个存储过程中,我正在调用标准的Web应用程序存储过程,该存储过程插入了一条记录,但是还针对脚本中的每次迭代在结果集中返回了该记录(只有1条记录)。 The script ran for 1.5 minutes when I commented the SELECT statement in those 2 stored procedures, so I imagine it was crashing from the amount of data SSMS was displaying from those result sets. 当我在这2个存储过程中注释SELECT语句时,该脚本运行了1.5分钟,因此我想象它因这些结果集中SSMS显示的数据量而崩溃。 That prevented the memory crash, not to mention the reduction in time it took to run (from 20+ min to 1.5 min). 这样可以防止内存崩溃,更不用说运行时间的减少了(从20分钟以上减少到1.5分钟)。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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