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[英]Set differnet levels of logging for loggers in log4j

I am using log4j for my application - there I need to see all log messages, so I defined 我正在使用log4j作为我的应用程序 - 我需要查看所有日志消息,所以我定义了

# General configuration
log4j.rootLogger = ALL, ConsoleAppender

# Appender configuration
log4j.appender.ConsoleAppender = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
log4j.appender.ConsoleAppender.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.ConsoleAppender.layout.ConversionPattern = %5p (%c) %m%n

But, after I started using Apache's HTTPClient library (which is awesome btw), my console got clouded up by its logging - everything was logged and I am not able to see the log output from my own application any more. 但是,在我开始使用Apache的HTTPClient库(这是非常棒的btw)后,我的控制台因其日志记录而变得模糊不清 - 所有内容都被记录下来,我无法再看到自己应用程序的日志输出了。

So how can I tell the HTTPClient library that it should only log WARN messages, while my own application still logs on ALL levels? 那么我如何告诉HTTPClient库它应该只记录WARN消息,而我自己的应用程序仍然登录ALL级别?

I create my application logger using 我使用创建我的应用程序记录器

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);

It's quite simple. 这很简单。 Just add the below line. 只需添加以下行。


Similarly, you can configure levels for any package com.foo or class com.foo.Bar by appending it to the prefix log4j.logger as follows: 类似地,您可以通过将其附加到前缀log4j.logger来为任何包com.foo或类com.foo.Bar配置级别,如下所示:


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