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[英]Table [tablename] is not locked

I am writing a MySQL query that locks a table: 我正在编写一个锁定表的MySQL查询:


After that i am executing some functions, and in one of those functions, I am executing another query, on another table that I haven't locked: 之后,我正在执行一些函数,并在其中一个函数中,我正在另一个我没有锁定的表上执行另一个查询:

"SELECT * FROM completely_different_table_2"

Then i get the following error message as result: 然后我得到以下错误消息作为结果:

Table 'completely_different_table_2' was not locked with LOCKED TABLES 

Indeed, MySql is right to tell me that the table is not locked. 的确,MySql告诉我表没有锁定是正确的。 But why does it throws an error? 但为什么会抛出错误? Anyone any ideas how I could solve this? 任何想法我怎么能解决这个问题?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You have to lock every table , that you want to use until the LOCK is released. 您必须锁定要使用的每个表 ,直到LOCK被释放。 You can give completely_different_table_2 only a READ LOCK , which allows other processes to read this table while it is locked: 你可以给completely_different_table_2只有一个READ LOCK ,它允许同时锁定其他进程读取该表:

LOCK TABLES table_1 WRITE, completely_different_table_2 READ;

PS: MySQL has a reason to do so. PS:MySQL有理由这样做。 If you request a LOCK , you want to freeze a consistent state of your data. 如果您请求LOCK ,则需要冻结数据的一致状态。 If you read data from completely_different_table_2 inside your LOCK , your data written to table_1 will in some way depend on this other table. 如果从读取数据completely_different_table_2你里面LOCK ,您的数据写入到table_1会以某种方式依赖于这个其他表。 Therefore you don't want anyone to change this table during your LOCK and request a READ LOCK for this second table as well. 因此,您不希望任何人在您的LOCK期间更改此表,并为此第二个表请求READ LOCK If your data written to table_1 doesn't depend on the other table, simply don't query it until the LOCK is released. 如果写入table_1的数据不依赖于另一个表,则只需在LOCK释放LOCK查询。

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