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[英]Generate sealed classes

Using linq to sql I would like to generate some sealed classes in a data context. 使用linq to sql我想在数据上下文中生成一些密封的类。 Apparently that can't be done. 显然,这无法完成。

When I try to extend a generated class, let's say ApplicationUser by a partial part like this 当我尝试扩展生成的类时,让ApplicationUser像这样的一部分

sealed public partial class ApplicationUser
{ }

I get compilation errors (summarized) 我收到编译错误(摘要)

'SendPropertyChanging()' is a new virtual member in sealed class 'ApplicationUser' “ SendPropertyChanging()”是密封类“ ApplicationUser”中的新虚拟成员


'SendPropertyChanged(string)' is a new virtual member in sealed class 'ApplicationUser' 'SendPropertyChanged(string)'是密封类'ApplicationUser'中的新虚拟成员

obviously because these methods are generated as protected virtual . 显然因为这些方法是作为protected virtual生成的。

Is there a way to let linq to sql generate selected (not all) classes as sealed? 有没有办法让linq to sql生成选定的(不是全部)类作为密封对象?

You can generate a sealed class by editing the properties in the designer: 您可以通过在设计器中编辑属性来生成密封类:


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