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C ++使用char数组将std :: string转换为int,double等

[英]c++ Converting a std::string to int, double, etc WITHOUT using a char array

In C++ I have only seen this done by converting the string object into an array of characters. 在C ++中,我仅通过将字符串对象转换为字符数组来完成此操作。 The tutorials with an array are a bit hard for me to understand. 带数组的教程让我很难理解。 But I want to do the conversion without the array. 但是我想在没有数组的情况下进行转换。

I do have an idea how to do it: the string is "1234". 我确实有一个主意:字符串是“ 1234”。 After that I convert this text to an integer this way: 之后,我将这种文本转换为整数:

if (symol4 == "4") int_var += 4 * 1;
if (symol3 == "3") int_var += 3 * 10;
if (symol3 == "2") int_var += 2 * 100;
if (symol3 == "1") int_var += 1 * 1000; //Don't worry, I'm familiar with cycles, this code is only for explaining my algorithm

I hope you can understand the idea. 希望您能理解这个想法。

But I don't know if this is the best way. 但是我不知道这是否是最好的方法。 I don't know if there is a library that has a function that allows me to do that (I won't be surprised if there is one). 我不知道是否有一个库具有允许我执行此操作的功能(如果有的话,我不会感到惊讶)。

I don't know if not using a char array is a good idea. 我不知道不使用char数组是否是个好主意。 But that's a different question that I'm going to ask later. 但这是另一个问题,我稍后再问。

What's the best way to convert a string to an integer, double, etc WITHOUT using an array of characters. 没有使用字符数组将字符串转换为整数,双精度数等的最佳方法是什么。

boost::lexical_cast to the rescue: int result = boost::lexical_cast<int>(input) boost::lexical_cast进行救援: int result = boost::lexical_cast<int>(input)

If you don't want to rely on boost, you can use a stringstream, something like: 如果您不想依靠boost,可以使用字符串流,例如:

std::stringstream ss;
int result;
ss << input;
ss >> result;

but that's rather roundabout imo 但这是一个回旋的imo

And no don't use atoi - that function was flawed even back in C and it hasn't gotten better with time. 而且不要不使用atoi该函数甚至在C语言中就存在缺陷,并且随着时间的推移并没有变好。 It returns 0 when an error happened while parsing - which has the obvious problem how you distinguish an error from parsing the string "0" . 当解析时发生错误时,它返回0-这显然存在一个问题,即如何从解析字符串"0"来区分错误。

I really can't get what your pasted code is about, but in C++ the best way to convert string to integer or float is to use stringstream . 我确实无法获得您粘贴的代码的含义,但是在C ++中,将字符串转换为整数或浮点数的最佳方法是使用stringstream

const char* str = "10 20.5";
std::stringstream ss(str);
int x;
float y;

ss >> x >> y;

There is a function atoi which you can use. 您可以使用一个函数atoi This converts it to a character array, but you don't have to do the math involved with indexing the array in a for loop. 这会将其转换为字符数组,但是您不必执行在for循环中索​​引数组的数学运算。

#include <stdlib.h>
String number = "1234";    
int value = atoi(number.c_str());
std::cout << number;

For the atoi nay sayers, hopefully he'll understand this >.> 对于不喜欢说的人,希望他会明白这一点>。>

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

try {
    int x = boost::lexical_cast<int>( "123" );
} catch( boost::bad_lexical_cast const& ) {
    std::cout << "Error: input string was not valid" << std::endl;

The best way is the most efficient way, I don't think you'll find a better alternative to this, or using a character array. 最好的方法是最有效的方法,我认为您不会找到更好的替代方法,或者使用字符数组。

The standard string class already has a member function that gives you access to the internal character array, c_str(), so you can just pass this to one of the standard C library functions that parse integers, such as strtol(): 标准字符串类已经具有一个成员函数,该成员函数可让您访问内部字符数组c_str(),因此您可以将其传递给解析整数的标准C库函数之一,例如strtol():

string s = "1234";
long n = strtol(s.c_str(), 0, 10);

That's the simplest code if you already know the string is a valid integer and don't care about error checking. 如果您已经知道字符串是一个有效的整数并且不关心错误检查,那么这就是最简单的代码。 If you want full error checking you would do something like this: 如果要进行全面的错误检查,可以执行以下操作:

char* end = 0;
errno = 0;
long n = strtol(s.c_str(), &end, 10);
if (end == 0 || *end == 0)
    throw invalid_argument("Not a number");
else if (errno == ERANGE)
    throw overflow_error("Number is out of range");
else if (errno != 0)
    throw invalid_argument("Not a number");

Alternatively you could use C++ streams if you want to avoid C style character arrays completely (or rather, hide them completely inside the classes): 另外,如果您想完全避免使用C样式字符数组(或者将它们完全隐藏在类中),则可以使用C ++流:

istringstream in(s);
int n;
in >> n;

You could also use boost::lexical_cast, which does basically the same thing. 您还可以使用boost :: lexical_cast,它的作用基本上相同。

  • I recommend Boost.Lexical_Cast 我推荐Boost.Lexical_Cast

  • Or see the upcoming Boost.Conversion 或查看即将推出的Boost.Conversion

  • Can also be achieved using Boost.Spirit, but is somewhat more complex 也可以使用Boost.Spirit实现,但要复杂一些

See "The String Formatters of Manor Farm" article by Herb Sutter. 请参阅Herb Sutter 撰写的“庄园农场的字符串格式化程序”。


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