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[英]Emacs in an xterm…pagedown and pageup

When I start 当我开始

emacs -nw 

inside of terminal window on ubuntu, page down results in [6~ being inserted, and page up puts in a [5~ 在ubuntu的终端窗口中,向下翻页会导致插入[6〜,而向上翻页会导致[5〜

Any easy fix? 任何简单的解决方法?

You can try using Cv instead of page down and Mv instead of page up (thus following the Emacs way :-) ). 您可以尝试使用Cv代替Page Down,而Mv代替Page Up(因此遵循Emacs的方法:-))。

Which Ubuntu? 哪个Ubuntu? I can't reproduce your problem on Mint 12 (based on Ubuntu). 我无法在Mint 12(基于Ubuntu)上重现您的问题。

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