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[英]Android: How to display Customer Name with Intent.ACTION_CALL

How do I display customer name while dialing call using Intent.ACTION_CALL? 使用Intent.ACTION_CALL拨打电话时如何显示客户名称? currently it only showing the phone number while the call is in progress. 目前,它仅在通话过程中显示电话号码。

Here is my current code: 这是我当前的代码:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL 
Uri.parse("tel:" + txtViewContactPhoneNumber.getText() ));    
startActivityForResult(intent, contactID);

When you invoke startActivityForResult, you are effectively handing over control to whoever gets the Intent. 当您调用startActivityForResult时,您将有效地将控制权移交给获得Intent的任何人。

You can't control how the receiving application acts on the Intent. 您无法控制接收应用程序如何对Intent进行操作。

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