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[英]Node.js and rails app hosting with a shared MongoDB database and pricing

I have been experimenting a lot with node.js as well as with rails and mongoDB lately. 最近,我一直在尝试使用node.js以及rails和mongoDB。 I'd like to know if there's any hosting options out there where I can deploy my apps written in rails and node.js which will share a same MongoDB database? 我想知道是否有托管选项,可以在其中部署用rails和node.js编写的应用程序,它们将共享同一个MongoDB数据库?

My rails app will do most of the writing to the mongoDB instance, while the node.js app will only fetch(read) the data from there. 我的rails应用程序将执行大部分写入mongoDB实例的操作,而node.js应用程序将仅从那里获取(读取)数据。

I have heard about heroku, but it seems that it's more focus on mid-large scale deployment while I'm currently only looking for a simple small deployment since this would only be for personal use, and I dont expect too many visitors anyway. 我已经听说过heroku,但是似乎它更多地集中在中型部署上,而我目前只在寻找一个简单的小型部署,因为这只能用于个人用途,而且我也不希望有太多的访客。 I've also heard that Heroku is available for free under certain condition.. Is this true? 我也听说过Heroku在某些情况下是免费提供的。这是真的吗? Also, is google app engine an option for me? 另外,我可以选择使用Google App Engine吗?

Would like to hear from people who have experience hosting their personal rails/node.js apps with heroku or any other hosting options, including shared hosting as well. 希望听到有经验的人使用heroku或任何其他托管选项(包括共享托管)来托管其个人rails / node.js应用的经验。 Thanks. 谢谢。

http://www.heroku.com/pricing http://www.heroku.com/pricing

Hosting free for 1 dyno and 5Mb postgresql shared database. 免费托管1个dyno和5Mb postgresql共享数据库。 There are two mongo addons, with free 240Mb database. 有两个mongo插件,带有免费的240Mb数据库。 Perfect for a small deployment and tests :) 非常适合小型部署和测试:)

Also, is google app engine an option for me? 另外,我可以选择使用Google App Engine吗?

App Engine is kind of its own little world, so you can't install MongoDB on app engine. App Engine本身就是一个小世界,因此您无法在App Engine上安装MongoDB。

Would like to hear from people who have experience hosting their personal rails/node.js apps with heroku or any other hosting options, including shared hosting as well. 希望听到有经验的人使用heroku或任何其他托管选项(包括共享托管)来托管其个人rails / node.js应用的经验。

Honestly, for small apps, the other option is simply to buy a small VPS. 老实说,对于小型应用程序,另一种选择就是简单地购买小型VPS。 Places like Linode sell them for $20 / month with full access. 像Linode这样的地方以每月20美元的价格出售它们,并具有完全访问权限。

You can also use Amazon AWS. 您也可以使用Amazon AWS。 They have a free tier for new customers. 他们为新客户提供免费套餐 You can also buy a reserved "Micro" for $23 / year (if you pay in advance). 您也可以按每年$ 23的价格购买预留的“微型”(如果您提前付款)。 Of course, Amazon will nickel and dime you for everything, so it will probably be more than that. 当然,亚马逊会为您付出一切,并为此付出一分钱,所以可能不止如此。 It should stay under $10 / month though. 它应该保持在每月10美元以下。 Of course, there are other competitors here like Rackspace. 当然,这里还有其他竞争对手,例如Rackspace。

If you don't want to host the DB, you can also use MongoLab or MongoHQ and pick your cloud provider. 如果您不想托管数据库,也可以使用MongoLab或MongoHQ并选择您的云提供商。 They generally offer to host your data in the same DC as your provider. 他们通常提供将您的数据托管在与提供商相同的DC中。

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