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[英]Building XNA solution (in VS2010) freezes

I've encountered a problem where part way through building a solution, VS 2010 becomes locked and never returns. 我遇到了一个问题,其中在构建解决方案的过程中,VS 2010被锁定并且永不返回。 If I build individual projects one by one it works so the building of project is working. 如果我一个接一个地构建单个项目,那么它可以正常工作,因此项目的构建可以正常进行。 The solution contains XNA projects for various platforms and winforms libraries. 该解决方案包含适用于各种平台和Winforms库的XNA项目。 This did work up until a point but have found no explanation for the sudden freezing. 这样做确实到了一个点,但没有找到突然冻结的任何解释。

I've uninstalled all of my plugins to see if that helps but no difference. 我已经卸载了所有插件,以查看是否有帮助,但没有区别。

In task manager, VS2010 is busy doing something as it's using CPU and consuming memory >1GB. 在任务管理器中,VS2010正在忙于执行某些操作,因为它正在使用CPU并消耗大于1GB的内存。


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