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[英]File completion when mapping commands in VIM

I often create a temporary mapping to do something on a particular file. 我经常创建一个临时映射来对特定文件执行某些操作。

Typical example is this: 典型的例子是这样的:

:map <leader>f :w<cr>:! bundle exec cucumber features/account/sign_in.feature:41<cr>

I want the file features/account/sign_in.feature to be autocompleted from the current directory. 我希望从当前目录自动完成文件features/account/sign_in.feature

This should simply save the current file and shell out on <leader>f to run the command. 这应该只是将当前文件和shell保存在<leader>f以运行命令。

It allows me to easily work on a piece of code not thinking about jumping to a particular file and run it. 它允许我轻松处理一段代码而不考虑跳转到特定文件并运行它。

The problem is that creating such a binding is cumbersome and error prone . 问题是创建这样的绑定是麻烦且容易出错的

VIM doesn't allow completing the file name when mapping . 映射时 VIM不允许填写文件名 Also using % is totally different ( I want to map to a file statically ). 使用%也完全不同(我想静态映射到文件)。

What is a better way of doing it? 这样做的更好方法是什么?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Allthough I think your question should be made a lot clearer, here are some hints: 虽然我认为你的问题应该更清楚,这里有一些提示:

:nnoremap <leader>f :w<bar>!exec "bundle exec cucumber " . expand('%') . ":" . line('.')<CR>

Will correctly save and insert current filename/line number in the command 将正确保存并在命令中插入当前文件名/行号

Also, you will want to know about the autowrite option: 此外,您还需要了解autowrite选项:

:se autowrite

Lastly, I usually employ makeprg for this kind of purpose: 最后,我通常使用makeprg来达到这种目的:

:let &makeprg="bundle exec cucumber %"

This has the added benefit of working with quickfix commands ( :copen , :colder , :cnewer ) and (given a correct makef ) also jumping to error lines 这有一个额外的好处,使用quickfix命令( :copen:colder:cnewer )和(给定一个正确的makef )也跳转到错误行

I don't know the answer but if I were you I'd use cabbr: 我不知道答案,但如果我是你,我会使用cabbr:

:cabbr fas features/account/sign_in.features:

Or something like that. 或类似的东西。 It's not autocomplete, but it sure does reduce the number of keystrokes you need. 它不是自动完成的,但确实可以减少你需要的击键次数。

Another alternative is to create a function mapped from a user command that accepts an argument that creates the mapping. 另一种方法是创建一个从用户命令映射的函数,该函数接受创建映射的参数。 If I remember it correctly you can customize the user command completion so that might work. 如果我没记错,你可以自定义用户命令完成,这样就可以了。

Update: yes you can customize user command. 更新:是的,您可以自定义用户命令。 See :help user-command 请参阅:help user-command

Something like this should get you started: 这样的事情应该让你开始:

command -complete=file_in_path -nargs=1 Map call CreateMap(expand('<args>'))

function CreateMap(filename)
    exec 'map <leader>f :w<cr>:! bundle exec cucumber ' . a:filename . ':41<cr>'

Once you do that, ensure that you 'path' setting includes the current directory ".", or if you want to make it search recursively "./**". 执行此操作后,请确保“路径”设置包括当前目录“。”,或者如果要以递归方式搜索“./**”。 Then you can use the Map user command like this: 然后你可以像这样使用Map用户命令:

:Map fea<tab>ac<tab>

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