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尝试使用运行Brunch localhost的问题

[英]Issue attempting to run Brunch localhost with

I have installed Brunch into my working directory as well as Coffee Script. 我已经将Brunch和Coffee Script安装到了我的工作目录中。

Installation went over fine. 安装进行得很好。

When I try to run the local server with: 当我尝试使用以下方式运行本地服务器时:

gorteks$ brunch watch --server

I get: 我得到:

[Brunch]: couldn't load config.coffee. Error: Cannot find module '/Users/Me/Sites/brunch/config.coffee'

Any cause for this? 有什么原因吗?

Since you are looking for config.coffee , I am assuming you are using 0.9.0-beta1 (as of 1/25/12). 由于您正在寻找config.coffee ,因此我假设您使用的是0.9.0-beta1(自1/25/12起)。 When you run brunch -v does it tell you that? 当您运行brunch -v ,它会告诉您吗?

Did you create a new project and cd into that folder? 您是否创建了一个新项目并cd进入该文件夹?

brunch new SomeProject
cd SomeProject

Now, do you see the config.coffee in that project folder ( ls . )? 现在,您在该项目文件夹( ls . )中看到config.coffee吗? From this folder, can you build? 您可以在此文件夹中进行构建吗?

brunch build

Do you have a pathing issue, perhaps? 也许您遇到了麻烦的问题? Can you call out the folder directly? 您可以直接调出该文件夹吗?

brunch watch . --server

or 要么

brunch watch SomeProject --server

Just some random thoughts. 只是一些随意的想法。

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