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[英]php script prevent direct access

I am using ajax to get value from php scripts (for example cost.php) and i know it would be easy to access it directly and get that value. 我正在使用ajax从php脚本中获取价值(例如cost.php),我知道直接访问它并获取该价值将很容易。 I am even running cron job on same script(cost.php) so cron job would not work if i use following... 我什至在同一脚本(cost.php)上运行cron作业,因此如果我使用以下命令,cron作业将无法工作...

if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
  //code here
  die('Invalid Request!');

Is this the safe way to prevent, and cron jobs would not work if i use the above code, so what can i use to secure value from end user. 这是预防的安全方法吗,如果我使用上面的代码,cron作业将无法工作,那么我可以用来确保最终用户的价值。 thanks. 谢谢。

In order to separate execution of cronjob, you can consider to use php_sapi_name 为了分开执行cronjob,可以考虑使用php_sapi_name

A simple usage (more reliable that depend on server side variables) :- 一种简单用法(更可靠,取决于服务器端变量):

if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") // via cronjob or via cli
  die("invalid request");

PS: constant PHP_SAPI carry the same value, so you can rewrite to :- PS:常量PHP_SAPI带有相同的值,因此您可以重写为:-

if (PHP_SAPI == "cli")
  die("invalid request");

Add this at the top of code to stop direct script access. 在代码顶部添加此代码可停止直接脚本访问。

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

If you want to allow AJAX requests then, 如果您想允许AJAX请求,

if (!defined('BASEPATH') &&
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')
exit('You are not allowed here...');
if (!eregi('cost.php',basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]))) { die('access denied'); }

Use a secret password for the cronjob 为cronjob使用秘密密码

if (isset($_REQUEST['cronpw']) && $_REQUEST['cronpw'] == 'supersecret')
    // this is the cronjob
    // this not

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