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[英]Basic partial view render

In my view, I have a form I want to dynamically render. 在我看来,我有一个要动态呈现的表单。 This form is wrapped around a larger form: 此表单围绕着一个较大的表单:


    @using (Ajax.BeginForm("FindWorkOrder", new AjaxOptions { 
        UpdateTargetId = "workOrders" }))
        <input type="text" name="workOrder" />
        <input type="submit" value="Find" />

    <div id="workOrders">
        @{ Html.RenderPartial("DisplayWorkOrder"); }

In my controller: 在我的控制器中:

public ActionResult FindWorkOrder() 
    // do query, return a model
    return View();

I have a partial view named DisplayWorkOrder.cshtml . 我有一个名为DisplayWorkOrder.cshtml的局部视图。

Several questions: 几个问题:

  • How can I render this partial view with the data I receive from the FindWorkOrder controller? 如何使用从FindWorkOrder控制器收到的数据来呈现此局部视图?
  • When I press the submit button in the ajax form, the whole form submits. 当我按ajax表单中的“提交”按钮时,整个表单都会提交。 How can I only limit it to that specific area? 我如何只能将其限制在该特定区域?

My intended functionality is for the ajax form to submit (without the whole form submitting) and populate <div id="workOrders"> with data that I queried. 我想要的功能是让ajax表单提交(不提交整个表单),并用我查询的数据填充<div id="workOrders">

Thanks. 谢谢。

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To render the partial view , you can do this 要渲染局部视图,您可以执行此操作


If you want to pass a model to the Partial view,you can do this 如果要将模型传递到“局部”视图,则可以执行此操作


If you want to pass a proprty of the model to the Partial view,you can do this 如果要将模型的属性传递给Partial视图,则可以执行此操作


Assiming that you have a model binded to the initial (parent) view from where you want to call the partial view. 假设您有一个要绑定到初始(父)视图的模型,该模型是您要从其中调用部分视图的位置。 You should be returning the Model /View Model in your Action called "FindWorkOrder" .Something like this 您应该在名为“ FindWorkOrder”的操作中返回Model / View Model。类似这样的事情

public ActionResult FindWorkOrder() 
   CustomerViewModel objCustVM=CustomerService.GetCustomerViewModel();  // just to get the customer model.
    return View(objCustVM);

and in your Main View 并在您的主视图中

@model MyProject.ViewModel.CustomerViewModel    
<h2>This will show the content from Partial View</h2>
@{    @Html.RenderPartial("DisplayWorkOrder",Model)}

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To Avoid submitting the enitire form, you could do a jquery ajax call from your script with the data you want to send. 为了避免提交enitire表单,您可以从脚本中使用要发送的数据进行jquery ajax调用。 I would keep the (only one) form tag at the outer level and change the submit button to normal button control. 我将在外部仅保留(一个)表单标签,然后将“提交”按钮更改为普通按钮控件。


 //Do validation

  var id=233; //get customer id from wherever you have it
          url: ajaxUrl,  
          success: function(data){
                //do whatever with the result data.

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