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[英]ios app crashes in the simulator 5.0

My app crashes on launch with the following SIGBART : 我的应用在使用以下SIGBART启动时崩溃:

@autoreleasepool {
    return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

The code is pulled from a git repository and works on other computers. 该代码是从git存储库中提取的,并且可以在其他计算机上使用。

I tried reinstalling xcode 4.2 to no avail. 我尝试重新安装xcode 4.2无济于事。
This is for ios 5.0 这是针对iOS 5.0

That line isn't throwing the exceprion. 那条线并没有使人惊讶。 To find out which line causes the crash you should look at Exception Breakpoints. 要找出导致崩溃的行,您应该查看异常断点。 Usually you want to add an exception throw Breakpoint to see which line threw the exception. 通常,您想添加一个异常抛出断点,以查看抛出异常的行。 More details in this answer: Xcode doesn't show the line that causes a crash 此答案中的更多详细信息: Xcode不显示导致崩溃的行

You should also always scan your code for errors and post some code! 您还应该始终扫描代码中的错误并发布一些代码! If you don't post code, most of the times nobody will be able to help you, especially when the problem is a code related crash. 如果您不发布代码,大多数时候没有人能够为您提供帮助,尤其是当问题是与代码相关的崩溃时。

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