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如何在C ++中从内部类访问外部类对象

[英]How to access the outer class object from the inner class in c++

I am trying to access the outer class variable cell[i][j] from the inner class method iterateForward . 我试图从内部类方法iterateForward访问外部类变量cell[i][j]

I do not want to pass this of outer class to iterateForward as iterateForward(Matrix&) , since it will add a parameter to iterateForward. 我并不想通过this外部类的iterateForwarditerateForward(Matrix&) ,因为它会添加参数iterateForward。

Inner class Method: 内部类方法:

Pos Matrix::DynamicCellIterator::iterateForward(){
         (Example)    outerRef.cell[i][j].isDynamic = true;          

Here is my class: 这是我的课:

 class Matrix { 
       class DynamicCellIterator{
            Cell* currentCellPtr;
            Matrix& outerRef;  //This will be the key by which i'll get access of outer class variables
                Pos iterateForward();
        Cell cell[9][9];
        DynamicCellIterator dynIte(*this); // I have a problem of initializing the outerRef variable.
        Error errmsg;
        bool  consistent;


//Here I tried to initialize the outerRef.
    Matrix::DynamicCellIterator::DynamicCellIterator(Matrix& ref){
        this->currentCellPtr = NULL;
        this->outerRef = ref;

How can I initialize outerRef ? 我如何初始化outerRef

You need to initialize member references in the constructor's initialization list. 您需要在构造函数的初始化列表中初始化成员引用。 And do the same for the dynIte member: initialize it in outer's constructor. 并对dynIte成员执行相同dynIte :在dynIte的构造函数中对其进行初始化。

Something like this: 像这样:

class Outer {
    class Inner {
        int stuff;
        Outer &outer;

            Inner(Outer &o): outer(o) {
                // Warning: outer is not fully constructed yet
                //          don't use it in here
                std::cout << "Inner: " << this << std::endl;

    int things;
    Inner inner;

        Outer(): inner(*this) {
                std::cout << "Outer: " << this << std::endl;

Have the constructor of the inner class accept a pointer to an object of the outer class and store it in a data member for later use. 让内部类的构造函数接受指向外部类对象的指针,并将其存储在数据成员中以备后用。 (This is essentially what Java does automatically under the hood, btw.) (本质上,这是Java在后台自动执行的操作。)

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