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[英]write the same code from aspx page to behind code in the cs page

is there a way to write this code from an aspx page to a behind code of the aspx page (cs), in asp.net. 在asp.net中,有没有一种方法可以将此代码从aspx页面写到aspx页面(cs)的后面代码。

<a rel="lightbox" id="userImageLightBox" runat="server" title="profile image">
    <img id="userImage"  runat="server"  width="150"  height="146"  alt="" src=""/>

for example if i have the code in apsx: 例如,如果我在apsx中有代码:

<asp:Label ID="pageProfileHeadName" runat="server" Visible="true"/>

in the behind code i can do: 在后面的代码中,我可以做:

    Label label = new Label();
    label.ID = "pageProfileHeadName";
    label.Visible = true;

thanks 谢谢

Short answer - yes - a hyperlink control renders as <a> so you could do this: 简短答案-是-超链接控件呈现为<a>因此您可以执行以下操作:

Hyperlink a = new Hyperlink();
a.ID = "userImageLightBox";

See the MSDN regarding this server control: 有关此服务器控件,请参见MSDN:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k0b15efk(v=vs.71).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/k0b15efk(v=vs.71).aspx

Anytime a control is runat=server this means you will be able to access it from the aspx code behind page (.cs, .vb, etc). 每当控件运行为runat=server这意味着您将能够从页面后面的aspx代码(.cs,.vb等)访问它。 So if you ever want to change a specific property, such as the NavigateURL property you could do so. 因此,如果您想更改特定的属性,例如NavigateURL属性,则可以进行更改。

a.NavigateURL = "someURL";

Since you have already set the runat="server" attribute, you can access the HTML controls in your code-behind through its id : 由于您已经设置了runat="server"属性,因此可以通过其id在代码隐藏中访问HTML控件:

// *.aspx:
<a id="userImageLightBox" runat="server" ...>
    <img id="userImage" runat="server" ... />

// code-behind:
userImageLightBox.Title = "New Title";
userImage.Src = "~/images/profile.png";

// To get or set an attribute like `rel`:
userImageLightBox.Attributes["rel"] = "test";

Update: If you want to create the HTML from the code-behind, you can do as JonH wrote: 更新:如果要从后面的代码创建HTML,可以按照JonH的描述进行操作:

HyperLink a = new HyperLink();
  a.ID = "userImageLightBox";
  a.Attributes["rel"] = "lightbox";

  Image img = new Image();
  img.ID = "userImage";
  img.ImageUrl = "img.png";
  img.Width = 150;
  img.Height = 146;


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