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[英]is a pointer to data member its offset?

我可以安全地假设数据成员的偏移量( offsetof(mystruct, myfield) )在数值上等于使用&mystruct::myfield检索的成员指针的原始值,还是它取决于实现?

No; 没有; the implementation of a pointer-to-member is not specified, and there is no defined conversion to get the "raw" value. 没有指定指向成员的指针的实现,也没有定义的转换来获取“原始”值。

Formally, it is implementation-dependent, of course. 形式上,当然是依赖于实现的。 In real life, yes, the most popular implementation of pointer-to-data-member pointers is (or is based on) plan-and-simple offset, ie the same thing that offsetof evaluates to. 是的,是的,在现实生活中,最常见的指针指向数据成员指针的实现是(或基于)计划和简单偏移量,即offsetof求值的对象相同。

Some implementations use the exact offset, resorting to 0xFFF... pattern to represent the null-pointer value. 一些实现使用精确的偏移量,诉诸于0xFFF...模式来表示空指针值。 Some implementatiuons reserve 0x000... pattern for null-pointer value, while incrementing all "non-null" offsets by 1 . 一些实现为空指针值保留0x000...模式,同时将所有“非空”偏移量增加1

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