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[英]Assigning types to a range of integers using enum?

I have an array of indices [1 ... 20]. 我有一个索引数组[1 ... 20]。 The first 4 elements of the indicesArray are linked to a file of a certain type (call it type A), the other 16 are linked to type B. indexesArray的前四个元素链接到某个类型的文件(称为类型A),其他16个元素链接到类型B。

I shuffle the array at random. 我随机地调整数组。 I now wish to extract 4 of the indices but at most only one of the 4 can be of type A. 我现在希望提取4个索引,但是最多只能提取4个索引之一。

I think I need to use the enum function here to define indices 1-4 as "type A" & indices 5-20 as "type B", then if I looked at eg the first element of my freshly randomised indicesArray[0] I could tell which type it is & act accordingly. 我想我需要在这里使用枚举函数来将索引1-4定义为“ A型”,将索引5-20定义为“ B型”,那么如果我查看了例如我新随机化的indexsArray [0]的第一个元素,可以分辨出是哪种类型并采取相应措施。

The way I've seen enum used from examples it goes something like: 我从示例中看到枚举的方式类似:

enum category { typeA = 0, typeB };

Is it possible to assign indices 1-4 to typeA & the rest to typeB, or am I on the wrong track here? 是否可以将索引1-4分配给typeA,将其余的索引分配给typeB,还是我在这里走错了路? thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Edit to include code snippet 编辑以包含代码段

I tried to test this & ran into an error right away 我试图对此进行测试并立即遇到错误

 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

int* indices = malloc(20*sizeof(int));

for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {

    indices[i] = i;


enum category {typeA, typeB};

enum category categoryForIndex(int index) {
    if (index >= 1 && index <= 4) {
        return typeA;
    } else {
        return typeB;

[pool drain];
return 0;


When i try to compile this I get the error "nested functions are disabled, use -fnested-functions to re-enable", which usually happens when a second main gets thrown into the mix by accident, or someething like that. 当我尝试对此进行编译时,出现错误“嵌套功能已禁用,请使用-fnested-functions重新启用”,该错误通常发生在将第二个主函数意外或混入类似物中时。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Edit to include some code which shows how to put the solution into practice 编辑以包含一些代码,这些代码显示如何将解决方案付诸实践

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

enum category {typeA, typeB};

enum category categoryForIndex(int index) {
if (index >= 1 && index <= 4) {
    return typeA;
   } else {
    return typeB;


int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

int* indices = malloc(20*sizeof(int));

for (int i=1; i<=20; i++) {

    indices[i] = i;


NSLog(@"index[0] is %i:", indices[16]);

enum category index;

index = indices[16];

switch (categoryForIndex(index)) {   //this tests to see what category 16 belongs to
    case typeA:
        NSLog(@"index is of type A");   
    case typeB:
        NSLog(@"index is of type B");
        NSLog(@"index not valid");

 [pool drain];
 return 0;


You're off track. 你不在正轨。 You cannot assign 1-4 a given enum. 您不能为1-4分配给定的枚举。 Enum constants have precisely one value, and only one. 枚举常量只有一个值,只有一个。 What you can do is use an enum to define two types, say typeA and typeB as you've already done, and then define a function that maps an index back to a type, eg 你可以做的是使用一个枚举来定义两种类型,说typeAtypeB因为你已经做了,然后定义索引映射回类型的函数,例如

enum category categoryForIndex(int index) {
    if (index >= 1 && index <= 4) {
        return typeA;
    } else {
        return typeB;

Now you have a way to categorize your indexes. 现在,您可以对索引进行分类。

You could do it without first shuffling the array, so that you know the A's are always at the front: 您无需先对数组进行混洗就可以做到这一点,这样您就知道A始终位于最前面:

#define IndexCount 20
#define ExtractCount 4
#define TypeACount 4

int indicesRemainingCount = IndexCount;
int indices[IndexCount] = { ... }; // your indices, first 4 are type A
int chosenIndices[ExtractCount]; // to be filled with random elements from indices, max one of type A

int minIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ExtractCount; ++i) {
    int j = minIndex + arc4random_uniform(indicesRemainingCount - minIndex);
    chosenIndices[i] = indices[j];
    if (j < TypeACount) {
        // Set minIndex so I won't pick another A.
        minIndex = TypeACount;
    } else {
        // Remove the chosen B so I don't pick it again.
        indices[j] = indices[indicesRemainingCount];

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