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[英]symfony2 routing failed - cannot redeclare class

i'm trying to change my routing from annotations to thr routing.yml. 我正在尝试将我的路由从注释更改为thr routing.yml。 This is now the only configuration in my routing_dev.yml: 现在这是我的routing_dev.yml中的唯一配置:

  pattern:  /
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeMyBundle:User/UserIndex:index }    

And this is the error: 这是错误:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Acme\MyBundle\Controller\User\UserIndexController in C:\Users\gp\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\project\src\Acme\MyBundle\Controller\User\UserIndexController.php on line 56

Why does it happen? 为什么会发生? This is really the only class with this name. 这实际上是唯一使用此名称的类。 I have no annotations in the UserIndexController. 我在UserIndexController中没有注释。

Has anybody an idea? 有人知道吗? Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

Try to grep/find in your project for Acme\\MyBundle\\Controller\\User\\UserIndexController . 尝试在项目中grep /找到Acme\\MyBundle\\Controller\\User\\UserIndexController

You maybe really have the class declared twice. 您可能真的已经将该类声明了两次。

Then, try to replace 然后,尝试更换


with AcmeMyBundle:User\\\\UserIndex:index AcmeMyBundle:User\\\\UserIndex:index

Depending of the version of symfony, it will search for a "namespace like" and/or a "path like". 根据symfony的版本,它将搜索“名称空间”和/或“路径”。

这也发生了,这是我的控制器文件, 我的命名空间错误

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