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[英]Coverflow plugin for JQuery-Mobile

I'm looking for somthing like this to use it in a JQuery Mobile/Phonegap App. 我正在寻找的财产以后像这样的jQuery Mobile的/ PhoneGap的应用程序来使用它。 Pictures in the gallery should be changeable by swiping left/right. 左右滑动即可更改图库中的图片。 All plugins I found so far are either not made for mobile or don't have this apple like coverflow style. 到目前为止,我发现的所有插件都不是为移动设备设计的,或者没有像Coverflow这样的苹果。

Don't know of any out-of-the-box plugins for this, but it's actually super simple to build from scratch with CSS3 & Javascript - You can even get hardware acceleration on iOS devices. 不知道有什么现成的插件,但是使用CSS3和Javascript从头开始构建实际上非常简单-您甚至可以在iOS设备上获得硬件加速。

Basically, you want to do 3 things: 基本上,您想做三件事:

  1. Setup a basic touch/swipe event handler. 设置基本的触摸/滑动事件处理程序。 Something like this is a good starting point (probably needs tweaking - the "getMovement" function is definitely not the best way to handle detecting swipe events. You'll also need to setup some defaults for your parameters, incase they are empty... Actually, you're probably better off replacing them with an "options" object, so you don't need to do that). 这样的事情是一个很好的起点(可能需要进行调整-“ getMovement”功能绝对不是处理检测滑动事件的最佳方法。您还需要为参数设置一些默认值,以防它们为空...实际上,最好将它们替换为“ options”对象,因此您不需要这样做。
    It also implements webkitAnimationEnd & webkitTransitionEnd ( note: these events have different names in Fennec, if you're planning to support that browser ) listeners to detect when your css3 animations/transitions have finished so you can hookup callback events to run once your animations are done: 它还实现了webkitAnimationEnd和webkitTransitionEnd( 注意:如果您打算支持该浏览器,这些事件在Fennec中具有不同的名称 )侦听可以检测css3动画/过渡何时完成,以便您可以将回调事件连接起来,以便在动画完成后运行完成:

     function TouchHandler(elem, tStart, tEnd, sLFunc, sRFunc, aFunc, trFunc) { //Members this.element = elem; this.animations = 0; this.transitions = 0; //Callbacks this.touchStart = tStart; this.touched = tFunc; this.swipeLeft = sLFunc; this.swipeRight = sRFunc; this.transitioned = trFunc; this.animated = aFunc; //Event Listners if (window.Touch) this.element.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); } //Methods TouchHandler.prototype = { handleEvent: function (e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': this.onTouchEnd(e); break; case 'webkitAnimationEnd': this.onAnimEnd(e); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': this.onTransEnd(e); break; } }, onTouchStart: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.touchStart(); this.moved = false; this.startX = event.touches[0].pageX; this.startY = event.touches[0].pageY; this.element.className += ' touched'; console.log('touched! ' + this.element.className); this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); }, onTouchMove: function (e) { if (this.animations == 0) { this.moved = true; this.changeInX = event.touches[0].pageX; this.changeInY = event.touches[0].pageY; } }, onTouchEnd: function (e) { this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.element.className.search('touched') >= 0) { this.element.className = this.element.className.replace(' touched', ''); } console.log('untouched! ' + this.element.className); if (this.animations == 0 && this.transitions == 0) { if (!this.moved) { this.touched(); } else { if (this.getMovement() == 'imprecise') { this.touched(); } if (this.getMovement() == 'swipeLeft') { this.swipeLeft(); } if (this.getMovement() == 'swipeRight') { this.swipeRight(); } } } }, onAnimEnd: function (e) { if (this.animations > 0) { this.animations -= 1; if (this.animations == 0) { this.animated(); } } }, onTransEnd: function (e) { if (this.transitions > 0) { this.transitions -= 1; if (this.transitions == 0) { this.transitioned(); } } }, getMovement: function () { var diffY = this.startY - this.changeInY; var diffX = this.startX - this.changeInX; var impreciseTouch = (diffX < 30 || diffX > -30) && (diffY > -30 || diffY < 30); var swipeLeft = diffX > 60 && (diffY > -30 || diffY < 30); var swipeRight = diffX < -60 && (diffY > -30 || diffY < 30); if (impreciseTouch) { return 'imprecise'; } else if (swipeLeft) { return 'swipeLeft'; } else if (swipeRight){ return 'swipeRight'; } } }; 
  2. In your CSS, setup your image elements with position absolute so that they don't affect other page elements when manipulating them (important for performance, as we're going to try to avoid triggering page reflows as much as possible). 在CSS中,将图像元素设置为绝对位置,以使它们在操作它们时不会影响其他页面元素(对性能很重要,因为我们将尝试尽可能避免触发页面重排)。 Also be sure to set -webkit-transform-style (and -moz-transform-style, if you'd like to support Fennec) to preserve-3d - this will allow your inner layers to preserve their place in 3space, instead of being artificially flattened by the browser. 另外,请务必将-webkit-transform-style (和-moz-transform-style,如果您希望支持Fennec,则设置为)设为3d-这将允许您的内部层将其位置保留在3space中,而不是由浏览器人为压平。 We're going to be using css3 translate3d & rotateY to move & rotate the image elements when a user swipes. 当用户滑动时,我们将使用css3 translation3drotationY来移动和旋转图像元素。 By using 3dTransforms, we're also activating hardware-acceleration in iOS browsers. 通过使用3dTransforms,我们还可以在iOS浏览器中激活硬件加速。 Now, setup a css3 transition for each visible position a photo can be in. Based on your image, you have 5 positions. 现在,为照片可以位于的每个可见位置设置一个css3过渡。根据图像,您有5个位置。 Lets call them prev2, prev1, current, next1, next2. 让我们称它们为prev2,prev1,current,next1,next2。 Each photo should also have a class .photo, which we will use to setup the transition properties Ex: 每张照片还应该有一个.photo类,我们将使用它来设置过渡属性Ex:

     .photo-container {-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;} .prev2 {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0px,0,0) rotateY(-45deg);} .prev1 {-webkit-transform: translate3d(200px,0,0) rotateY(-30deg);} .current {-webkit-transform: translate3d(400px,0,0) rotateY(-45deg);} .next1 {-webkit-transform: translate3d(600px,0,0) rotateY(-30deg);} .next2 {-webkit-transform: translate3d(800px,0,0) rotateY(-45deg);} .photo{ -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 500ms ease-in-out; } 
  3. Instantiate a touchHandler object & bind it to whatever DOM element you want to have listen for your touch events. 实例化一个touchHandler对象,并将其绑定到您想监听触摸事件的任何DOM元素。 It has to be a parent of the elements that are transitioning in order for the animation events to bubble up. 它必须是要过渡的元素的父对象,才能使动画事件冒泡。 You can also instantiate each individual photo, but depending on your setup the results will vary. 您也可以实例化每张照片,但是结果取决于设置。 You might want to test both setups. 您可能要测试两个设置。 Basically, when a swipeLeft fires, you want to remove the .current class from the current photo & add a .next class (using javascript/jquery) - write this in a function and pass it into the parameters of the touchHandler when you instantiate. 基本上,当swipeLeft触发时,您想从当前照片中删除.current类,并添加一个.next类(使用javascript / jquery)-将其写入函数中,并在实例化时将其传递到touchHandler的参数中。 This can be unorganized, so it would probably be better to extend the class (or write another class that inherits from it) to programatically handle your photo transitions. 这可以是无组织的,因此最好扩展该类(或编写从其继承的另一个类)以编程方式处理照片过渡。 Ideally, you would store the DOM elements representing your photos in an array & manipulate the elements using this.array[i], iteratively... 理想情况下,您可以将表示照片的DOM元素存储在数组中,并使用this.array [i]迭代地操作这些元素...

Hope this all makes sense to you... 希望这一切对你有意义...

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