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[英]Storyboard or .xib editor without using Xcode

Right now I'm on a team and we are working on a project using different technologies. 现在,我在一个团队中,我们正在使用不同的技术来开发一个项目。 One part of this project it's an iPhone app. 该项目的一部分是iPhone应用程序。

Not every team member has a Mac, but could be very useful if some people help in the app iPhone development, specially on interface. 并非每个团队成员都有一台Mac,但是如果有人在应用程序iPhone开发中提供帮助,尤其是在界面上,则可能会非常有用。 Is there a way to visually edit Storyboards or .xib without using xcode or a mac? 有没有一种方法可以在不使用xcode或Mac的情况下直观地编辑Storyboard或.xib? If not, it is too complicated try to work over the XML of those kind of files? 如果不是,那么尝试处理这类文件的XML太复杂了吗? Any suggestion? 有什么建议吗?

I made some google research but didn't find anything. 我做了一些谷歌研究,但没有找到任何东西。 Any ideas if this is possible? 有什么想法可能吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

No, it is not possible. 不,不可能。 Cheapest case would be to run a Hackintosh, where you run MacOS on your PC hardware. 最便宜的情况是运行Hackintosh,在PC硬件上运行MacOS。 Not sure if that is legal but many do do it. 不确定这是否合法,但很多人都这样做。

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