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[英]Operators precedence in C Programming

I am currently learning C Programming ( my first programming language ). 我目前正在学习C编程(我的第一门编程语言)。 I am a little bit confused with the operators precedence. 我对运算符的优先级有些困惑。 Arithmetic operators precedence are as follows. 算术运算符的优先级如下。

  1. *
  2. /
  3. %
  4. +
  5. -

This is what is given in my book at least. 至少这是我书中给出的。 What i am confused is about how do i go solving expressions when it comes to my theory exams ? 我很困惑的是,在理论考试中我该如何解决表达式? I tried solving many expressing with the order given above but fail to get a correct answer. 我试图用上面给定的顺序解决许多表达问题,但未能获得正确答案。

Given the following definitions: 给出以下定义:

int a = 10, b = 20, c;

How would we solve this expression? 我们将如何解决这个表达?

a + 4/6 * 6/2 

This is an example in my book. 这是我书中的一个例子。

The precedence of / and * is the same in C, just as it is in mathematics. /*的优先级在C中相同,就像在数学中一样。 The problem is that in mathematics the following expressions are equivalent, whereas in C they might not be: 问题在于,在数学中,以下表达式是等效的,而在C中,它们可能不是:

(a/b) * (c/d)
(a/b*c) / d

These aren't equivalent in C because if a , b , c , and d are integers, the / operator means integer division (it yields only the integral part of the result). 它们在C中不等效,因为如果abcd是整数,则/运算符表示整数除法(它仅得出结果的整数部分)。

For example, 例如,

(7/2)*(4/5); //yelds 0, because 4/5 == 0
(7/2*4)/5; //yields 2

A general good coding practice is being explicit about your intentions. 一般的良好编码习惯是明确说明您的意图。 In particular, parenthesize when in doubt. 如有疑问,请特别加上括号。 And sometimes even when you're not. 有时即使您不在。

    a + 4/6 * 6/2 
 = 10 + 4/6 * 6/2
 = 10 + 0*6/2
 = 10 + 0/2
 = 10

Note that 4/6 evaluates to 0 as integer division is used. 请注意,由于使用了整数除法,因此4/6计算为0


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