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[英]EF4.1 Code First : How to disable delete cascade for a relationship without navigation property in dependent entity

Let's say I have these two very basic entities: 假设我有这两个非常基本的实体:

public class ParentEntity
   public int Id;
   public virtual ICollection<ChildEntity> Childrens;

public class ChildEntity
   public int Id;
   public int ParentEntityId; // Foreign Key
   public virtual ParentEntity parent; // [NOTWANTED]

For some reasons, I don't want the ChildEntity to hold a reference back to his parent. 出于某些原因,我不希望ChildEntity将引用保留回其父级。 I just want it to keep the ParentEntity id but nothing more. 我只是希望它保留ParentEntity id,但仅此而已。 Up until now, no problem, I just delete the [NOTWANTED] line, and everything works as expected. 到目前为止,没问题,我只是删除[NOTWANTED]行,一切都按预期工作。

My problem here is: how to disable the cascade delete in that specific case? 我的问题是:如何在特定情况下禁用级联删除?

If I still had the parent navigation property it would be as easy as: 如果我仍然拥有父导航属性,那将很容易:

    .HasRequired(c => c.parent)
    .WithMany(p => p.Childrens)

However without the navigation property I have no idea how I can achieve to disable the cascade on delete (without disabling it globally of course, nor per table, but just for the relation). 但是如果没有导航属性,我不知道如何在删除时禁用级联(当然不是全局禁用它,也不是每个表都禁用它,而只是为了关系)。

What I have done right now is to set the foreign key as a nullable int, in order to disable the cascade on delete, but that's not pretty: 我现在所做的是将外键设置为可以为空的int,以便在删除时禁用级联,但这并不漂亮:

public int? ParentEntityId; // Foreign Key - nullable just to disable cascade on delete

How can I get it to work with fluent API? 如何才能使用流畅的API? Think it should be possible. 认为它应该是可能的。

You must configure it from the other side of the association: 您必须从关联的另一端配置它:

    .HasMany(p => p.Children)
    .HasForeignKey(c => c.ParentEntityId)

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