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[英]jQuery: onclick drop-down menu with controls

I wish to create a menu (a sign-up menu), see this to get an idea of it. 我希望创建一个菜单(注册菜单),请看一下以了解它。 When user clicks on this button/link a drop-down menu appears, using which he can do something (here login). 当用户单击此按钮/链接时,将出现一个下拉菜单,他可以使用该菜单执行某些操作(在此登录)。

The behaviour of the link should be the following: 链接的行为应为以下情况:

  1. The drop-down menu should appear when clicked on this button/link. 单击此按钮/链接时,将显示下拉菜单。
  2. when clicked anywhere on the page (including the button/link itself), but outside the menu, the menu should disappear. 当单击页面上任何位置(包括按钮/链接本身)但在菜单外部时,菜单应消失。
  3. If clicked somewhere on the drop-down menu, the menu should not disappear. 如果单击下拉菜单上的某个位置,则菜单不应消失。
  4. All the controls in the drop-down menu should work. 下拉菜单中的所有控件均应正常工作。

I did somehow managed to get first three working, but then the controls within the drop-down menu (4th behaviour) are not working. 我确实设法使前三个工作正常,但是随后下拉菜单(第4个行为)中的控件却无法工作。

The javascript/jQuery code along with html code is given here (jsfiddle link, same as above). 此处提供了javascript / jQuery代码以及html代码(jsfiddle链接,与上面相同)。 You can fork it and make changes. 您可以分叉并进行更改。

Thanks. 谢谢。

I made a fork of what you have on your jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/DukyJ/ 我对您在jsFiddle上的功能进行了分叉: http : //jsfiddle.net/DukyJ/

If you look at the code I just added an extra div to have the page's content so I don't have to assign click events to the whole body just only to that div. 如果您看一下代码,我只是添加了一个额外的div来获取页面的内容,因此我不必仅将点击事件分配给整个div。 Then, I removed the return false and the stopProppagation and just added a '#' to the link in the href because it wasn't necesary. 然后,我删除了return false和stopProppagation,并在href中的链接中添加了一个“#”,因为它不是必需的。 And finally just added some style to the signin link and the singin panel so you can see that the menu appears over the content as I suppose you want it to appear. 最后,仅在登录链接和singin面板中添加了一些样式,因此您可以看到菜单出现在内容上方,就像我想您希望它出现一样。

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