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Flex SQLite删除功能

[英]Flex SQLite delete function

I wanted to delete a selected Item from a List control but can't. 我想从列表控件中删除选定的项目,但不能删除。 What's wrong with my code: 我的代码有什么问题:

[Bindable]private var dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
private var conn:SQLConnection;

protected function Delete(event:MouseEvent):void    {
    Stmt = new SQLStatement();
    Stmt.sqlConnection = conn;
    Stmt.text = "DELETE FROM UserTable WHERE firstName="+listBox.selectedIndex;

<s:List id="listBox" itemRenderer="UserRenderer"></s:List>

In UserRenderer:

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

    <s:Label text="{data.lastName}, {data.firstName}, {data.id}"/>


List#selectedIndex refers to the position of the selected item in the dataprovider. List#selectedIndex是指所选项目在数据提供程序中的位置。 The first element will have index 0, the second index 1 and so on. 第一个元素的索引为0,第二个元素的索引为1,依此类推。 If no item is selected, selectedIndex will be -1 . 如果未选择任何项目,则selectedIndex将为-1

If you want to select or delete by firstName - as you do in your query - you will have to pass in a valid first name instead of an index position. 如果要按名字选择或删除-就像在查询中一样-您必须传递有效的名字而不是索引位置。 You can do this with the List#selectedItem property. 您可以使用List#selectedItem属性来执行此操作。 Also don't forget the single quotes in your query if you're not using query params. 如果您不使用查询参数,也不要忘记查询中的单引号。

"DELETE FROM UserTable " +
"WHERE firstName = '" + listBox.selectedItem.firstName + "'";

You weren't asking for this, but I'll tell you anyway: for security reasons you should use query params when using variables in your queries. 您并不是要这样做,但是无论如何我都会告诉您:出于安全原因,在查询中使用变量时应使用查询参数。 One way to achieve this in ActionScript is: 在ActionScript中实现此目的的一种方法是:

stmt.parameters[0] = listBox.selectedItem.firstName;
stmt.text = "DELETE FROM UserTable WHERE firstName = ?";

(no single quotes required here) (此处无需单引号)

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