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与 C# 中的 Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() 相关的问题

[英]Issue Related to Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() in C#

On my website.在我的网站上。 I have added a class file in App_Code containing 5 public classes into one NameSpace.我在App_Code中添加了一个包含 5 个公共类的类文件到一个 NameSpace 中。

I want to get all class names containing in a particular namespace.我想获取包含在特定命名空间中的所有类名。

In default.aspx.cs file i have added.在我添加的 default.aspx.cs 文件中。

var q = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
                            where t.IsClass && t.Namespace == "Sample"
q.ToList().ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine(t.Name));

But I didn't find Sample namespace in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() how do I access the 'Sample' namespce in above code?但是我没有在Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()找到 Sample namespace 我如何访问上面代码中的'Sample'命名空间?


In default.aspx.cs file i have added在我添加的 default.aspx.cs 文件中

That's the problem.那就是问题所在。 When you have a website (in contrast to a web application), all code that you put inside App_Code is compiled dynamically at runtime in a separate assembly.当您拥有一个网站时(与 Web 应用程序相反),您放入App_Code所有代码都会在运行时在单独的程序集中动态编译。 So when you write Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() you are basically getting the assembly that was generated for your default.aspx WebForm which is different than the assembly containing the code in App_Code .因此,当您编写Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()您基本上获得了为default.aspx WebForm 生成的程序集,它与包含App_Code中的代码的程序集不同。 You could loop through all referenced assemblies in the project to look for types.您可以遍历项目中所有引用的程序集以查找类型。

To get this list of assemblies you could use the GetAssemblies method on the current application domain.要获取此程序集列表,您可以在当前应用程序域上使用GetAssemblies方法。

Another possibility is to use some known type that you know was contained in the App_Code folder in order to get its assembly:另一种可能性是使用您知道包含在App_Code文件夹中的某些已知类型来获取其程序集:

var assembly = typeof(Some_Type_That_Is_Declared_In_App_Code).Assembly;
var q = 
    from t in assembly.GetTypes()
    where t.IsClass && t.Namespace == "Sample"
    select t;

I think the problem here might be due to the fact that this code is being executed in a temporary assembly created from your codebehind files.我认为这里的问题可能是由于此代码是在从代码隐藏文件创建的临时程序集中执行的。

To check this:要检查这个:

  • Try just dumping out what Namespaces and classes are available in your assembly - eg尝试仅转储程序集中可用的命名空间和类 - 例如

var q = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where t.IsClass select t; q.ToList().ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine(t.Namespace));

  • Try using a known assembly instead of the executing assembly - eg typeof(Sample.Class1).Assembly尝试使用已知程序集而不是执行程序集 - 例如typeof(Sample.Class1).Assembly

or... just read @Darin's answer... I must learn to type faster!或者...只需阅读@Darin 的回答...我必须学会更快地打字!


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