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[英]boost thread code ~uintmax_t(0)

bool is_sentinel() const
    return milliseconds==~uintmax_t(0);

I have found this line of code in thread_data.hpp, I am wondering why is it ~uintmax_t(0) instead of -1 ? 我在thread_data.hpp中找到了这行代码,我想知道为什么它是~uintmax_t(0)而不是-1

EDIT: 编辑:

if reason is to avoid compiler warnings, why don't use : 如果原因是为了避免编译器警告,为什么不使用:



One reason for using uintmax_t in the first place is that we don't know what the largest type is. 首先使用uintmax_t的一个原因是我们不知道最大的类型是什么。 Is it unsigned long or unsigned long long ? unsigned long还是unsigned long long吗?

My guess is that using ~uintmax_t(0) to produce a large unsigned value simply produces the least number of warnings on the largest number of compilers. 我的猜测是,使用~uintmax_t(0)产生较大的无符号值只会在数量最多的编译器上产生最少数量的警告。

It is common for compilers to warn if you mix signed and unsigned values, or that using a minus on an unsigned value ( -1ull ) surprisingly(?) gives an unsigned result. 如果您混合使用带符号和无符号值,或者在带符号的负值( -1ull )上使用减号会令人惊讶地出现(?),则通常会向编译器发出警告。



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