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[英]How to pass parameters with the action Helper of Ember.js?

I have a list of items: 我有一个项目列表:

    {{#each applications}}
        <a {{bindAttr href="url"}} 
        {{action "appClicked" on="click"}}>                

On click it calls the method appClicked of the view, that this template belongs to. 点击它会调用此模板所属的视图方法appClicked I want to pass some information (for example, the name of the application) to the method appClicked . 我想将一些信息(例如,应用程序的名称)传递给appClicked方法。 Something like, {{action "appClicked(name)" on="click"}} . 类似于{{action "appClicked(name)" on="click"}}

Is it possible, and how? 有可能,怎么样?

Apparently, Ember has evolved now and there is an ability to pass a parameter to an action: 显然,Ember现在已经发展,并且有能力将参数传递给动作:

{{action "functionName" parameter}}

In your case, that would be: 在你的情况下,那将是:

<a {{bindAttr href="url"}} 
   {{action "appClicked" name on='click'}}>                

However, you could pass any attribute from the model (like the id) instead of the name. 但是,您可以从模型中传递任何属性(如id)而不是名称。

See http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/actions/ for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/actions/

The API says you can pass in multiple parameters. API表示您可以传递多个参数。

html and handlebars: HTML和把手:

<button {{action "actionTest" "hello" "goodbye" officename}}>See parameters through action in the console</button>

controller: 控制器:

actionTest: function(a, b, c){

See it in action in this jsbin 在这个jsbin中看到它的实际效果

I was thinking something more along the lines of this since you'll have access to a bunch more through an actual view. 我正在考虑更多这方面的内容,因为你可以通过实际视图访问更多内容。 But Zack, if you could explain a bit more what exactly you're trying to do if this isn't what you're looking for? 但扎克,如果你能解释一下,如果这不是你想要的东西,你究竟要做什么呢?

 App = Ember.Application.create(); App.peopleController = Ember.ArrayController.create({ content: [ { name: 'Roy', url: '#' }, { name: 'Mike', url: '#' }, { name: 'Lucy', url: '#' } ] }); App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', content: null, linkClicked: function() { console.log(this.getPath('content.name')); } }); 
 <ul> {{#each App.peopleController}} {{#view App.PersonView contentBinding="this"}} <a {{bindAttr href="content.url"}} {{action "linkClicked" on="click"}}> {{content.name}} </a> {{/view}} {{/each}} </ul> 

From subviews, you can attach data-attributes and access them in your controller. 从子视图中,您可以附加数据属性并在控制器中访问它们。

For example, in your view, if you have: 例如,在您的视图中,如果您有:

{{#view Ember.Button target="App.controller" action="publish" data-publish=false}}Unpublish{{/view}}

Then in your controller, 然后在你的控制器中,

App.controller = Ember.Object.extend({
  publish: function(v){
    var status = v['data-publish'];//your additional information is appended to the view.

An improvement to Veeb's answer, remember you have the jQuery event so you can do: 对Veeb答案的改进,记住你有jQuery事件,所以你可以这样做:

// template
  {{#each applications}}
      <a {{bindAttr href="url"}} param="abc" {{action "appClicked" on="click"}}>

// In your js code
appClicked: function (event) {
    var param = $(event.target).attr('param');

You can try to make the parameter an attribute of the <li> or <a> tag and then use jQuery to access it. 您可以尝试将参数设为<li>或<a>标签的属性,然后使用jQuery访问它。

Maybe something like 也许是这样的

// template
  {{#each applications}}
      <a {{bindAttr href="url"} param="abc"} 
      {{action "appClicked" on="click"}}>                

// In your js code
appClicked: function (event) {
    // You may have to play around and check which DOM element
    // has the the param attribute. From memory it is the parent.
    var param = this.$().parent().attr('param');

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