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[英]Python: pass the path as an argument

i need to write a script in python, which run a process (notepad.exe). 我需要在python中编写一个脚本,该脚本运行一个进程(notepad.exe)。 The probelm is, i dont know the path of the process so i need to pass the path of the process as an argument. 问题是,我不知道进程的路径,因此我需要将进程的路径作为参数传递。

How does it work? 它是如何工作的?

The command-line arguments to your script are stored as a list in sys.argv . 脚本的命令行参数作为列表存储在sys.argv

To run a process, use the subprocess module. 要运行流程,请使用subprocess模块。

Try the following. 尝试以下方法。 In a file called exe.py put: 在名为exe.py的文件中:

import os 导入操作系统

import sys 导入系统

os.popen(sys.argv[1]) os.popen(sys.argv [1])


Usage: 用法:

C:\\Python32>python exe.py notepad.exe C:\\ Python32> python exe.py notepad.exe

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