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[英]How to write an RSpec test for a simple PUT update?

I'm trying to solidify my understanding of rails and the BDD workflow, so I wanted to start small by creating one of those mini-blogs, but with rspec. 我正在努力巩固我对rails和BDD工作流程的理解,所以我想通过创建其中一个迷你博客来开始,但是使用rspec。 Right now I have an ArticlesController and Article model, and associated rspec files. 现在我有一个ArticlesController和Article模型,以及相关的rspec文件。 Article is very simple, has just title:string and content:text, and the ArticlesController is RESTful - although I hand wrote the MCV for Article, it's basically the same as if I used a scaffold to create it. 文章非常简单,只有标题:字符串和内容:文本,而ArticlesController是RESTful - 虽然我手写了MCV for Article,但它基本上和我用脚手架创建它一样。

However I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to writing a test in rspec for the PUT update. 但是,当我在rspec中为PUT更新编写测试时,我真的不知道我在做什么。 I'm using Factory Girl to create the article object, and so far my code looks like: 我正在使用Factory Girl来创建文章对象,到目前为止我的代码看起来像:

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :article do
  title "a title"
  content "hello world"

before(:each) do
  @article = Factory(:article)

describe "PUT 'update/:id'" do
  it "allows an article to be updated" do
    @attr = { :title => "new title", :content => "new content" }
    put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => @attr
    response.should be_successful

However I keep getting: 但是我一直在:

1) ArticlesController PUT 'update/:id' allows an article to be updated
   Failure/Error: response.should be_successful
     expected successful? to return true, got false

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? And am I using the right tools? 我使用正确的工具吗? When I run my test server, New, Edit, Destroy all work as I would expect them to, so I'm guessing this is a problem with my understanding of RSpec. 当我运行我的测试服务器时,New,Edit,Destroy所有工作正如我所期望的那样,所以我猜这是我对RSpec理解的问题。 Let me know if I'm wrong - thanks! 如果我错了,请告诉我 - 谢谢!

You forgot to .reload your @article , and on update action your response most likely perform redirect, so 你忘记了.reload你的@article ,在update操作上,你的回复最有可能执行重定向,所以

RSpec 2: RSpec 2:

describe "PUT update/:id" do
  let(:attr) do 
    { :title => 'new title', :content => 'new content' }

  before(:each) do
    put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => attr

  it { response.should redirect_to(@article) }
  it { @article.title.should eql attr[:title] }
  it { @article.content.should eql attr[:content] }

Rspec 3: Rspec 3:

describe "PUT update/:id" do
  let(:attr) do 
    { :title => 'new title', :content => 'new content' }

  before(:each) do
    put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => attr

  it { expect(response).to redirect_to(@article) }
  it { expect(@article.title).to eql attr[:title] }
  it { expect(@article.content).to eql attr[:content] }

When you are doing a PUT :update remember that you are editing an existing model, which you need to call in the put . 当你正在做一个PUT :update记住,你是编辑现有的模式,你需要在调用put Just pass your @article and update the attributes as follows. 只需传递您的@article并更新属性,如下所示。

describe "PUT 'update/:id'" do
  it "allows an article to be updated" do
    put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => @article.attributes = { :title => "new title", :content => "new content" }
    response.should be_successful
FactoryGirl.define :article do
  title "a title"
  content "hello world"

before(:each) do
  @article = Factory(:article)

it "should re-render edit template on failed update" do
  @attr = { :title => "", :content => "new content" }
  put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => @attr

  flash[:notice].should be_nil
  response.should render_template('edit')

it "should redirect to index with a notice on successful update" do
  @attr = { :title => "new title", :content => "new content" }
  put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => @attr

  assigns[:article].should_not be_new_record
  flash[:notice].should_not be_nil
  response.should redirect_to(:action => 'index')

The way I like to test the update method is to just ensure that the updated_at time is greater than it was before. 我喜欢测试更新方法的方法是确保updated_at时间比以前更大。 When you do this you can change the contents of the entire instance variable and still check if everything was updated. 执行此操作时,您可以更改整个实例变量的内容,并仍然检查是否所有内容都已更新。 For instance: 例如:

describe "PUT 'update/:id'" do
  it "allows an article to be updated" do
    prev_updated_at = @article.updated_at
    @attr = { :title => "new title", :content => "new content" }
    put :update, :id => @article.id, :article => @attr
    @article.updated_at.should != prev_updated_at 

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