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通过 HEX 或 RGB 获取颜色名称

[英]Get color name by HEX or RGB

How can I get a color name using JS/JQuery, knowing the code RBG/HEX?知道代码 RBG/HEX,如何使用 JS/JQuery 获取颜色名称?

For example:例如:

Colorname      RGB
black          #000000  
white          #FFFFFF
red            #FF0000
green          #008000

You can do that with color_classifier.js plugin.您可以使用color_classifier.js插件来做到这一点 It works good and returns the name of nearest color that has name.它运行良好并返回具有名称的最近颜色的名称。

Just use like this就这样使用

window.classifier = new ColorClassifier();
get_dataset('dataset.js', function (data){
var result_name = window.classifier.classify("#aaf000");

You can use Name that Color .您可以使用Name that Color


let result = ntc.name('#6195ed');

let rgb_value = result[0];      // #6495ed         : RGB value of closest match
let specific_name = result[1];  // Cornflower Blue : Color name of closest match
let is_exact_match = result[2]; // false           : True if exact color match

There is also a variation of Name that Color that includes additional parameters: Name that Color 也有一个变体,其中包括附加参数:



let result = ntc.name('#6195ed');

let rgb_value = result[0];      // #6495ed         : RGB value of closest match
let specific_name = result[1];  // Cornflower Blue : Color name of closest match
let shade_value = result[2];    // #0000ff         : RGB value of shade of closest match
let shade_name = result[3];     // Blue            : Color name of shade of closest match
let is_exact_match = result[4]; // false           : True if exact color match

First create a function to convert the rgb color to hsl:首先创建一个函数将rgb颜色转换为hsl:

function hsl(rgbArr) {
  var r1 = Number(rgbArr[0]) / 255, g1 = Number(rgbArr[1]) / 255, b1 = Number(rgbArr[2]) / 255;
  var maxColor = Math.max(r1,g1,b1), minColor = Math.min(r1,g1,b1);
  var L = (maxColor + minColor) / 2 , S = 0, H = 0;
  if(maxColor != minColor){
    if(L < 0.5){
      S = (maxColor - minColor) / (maxColor + minColor);
      S = (maxColor - minColor) / (2.0 - maxColor - minColor);
    if(r1 == maxColor){
      H = (g1-b1) / (maxColor - minColor);
    }else if(g1 == maxColor){
      H = 2.0 + (b1 - r1) / (maxColor - minColor);
      H = 4.0 + (r1 - g1) / (maxColor - minColor);
  L = L * 100;
  S = S * 100;
  H = H * 60;
    H += 360;
  return {h:H, s:S, l:L};

Create a function to clasific the colors:创建一个函数来定义颜色:

function colorName(hsl) {
        var l = Math.floor(hsl.l), s = Math.floor(hsl.s), h = Math.floor(hsl.h);
        if (s <= 10 && l >= 90) {
            return ("White")
        } else if ((s <= 10 && l <= 70) || s === 0) {
            return ("Gray")
        } else if (l <= 15) {
            return ("Black")
        } else if ((h >= 0 && h <= 15) || h >= 346) {
            return ("Red");
        } else if (h >= 16 && h <= 35) {
            if (s < 90) {
                return ("Brown");
            } else {
                return ("Orange");
        } else if (h >= 36 && h <= 54) {
            if (s < 90) {
                return ("Brown");
            } else {
                return ("Yellow");
        } else if (h >= 55 && h <= 165) {
            return ("Green");
        } else if (h >= 166 && h <= 260) {
            return ("Blue")
        } else if (h >= 261 && h <= 290) {
            return ("Purple")
        } else if (h >= 291 && h <= 345) {
            return ("Pink")

And a function to get the intensity of color:以及获取颜色强度的函数:

function inten(rgb){
  var hex = "",hex += Number(rgb[0]).toString(16), hex += Number(rgb[1]).toString(16), hex += Number(rgb[2]).toString(16), txt = "";
  var rgb = parseInt(hex, 16);
  var r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; 
  var g = (rgb >>  8) & 0xff;
  var b = (rgb >>  0) & 0xff; 
  var inten = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
  if(inten >= 80 && inten <= 100){
    txt = "semi dark";
  }    else if(inten < 40){
    txt = "dark";
  }    else{
    txt = "light";
 return txt;


var color = "rgb(253, 209, 57)";
var rgb = color.replace(/[^0-9,]/g,'').replace().split(",");
var nameColor = colorName(hsl(rgb))+" "+inten(rgb);

This color range was created by using specific query selector on this page此颜色范围是通过使用此页面上的特定查询选择器创建的

It might be useful if you writing jQuery plugin or something else without npm and you want to avoid third party libraries如果您编写 jQuery 插件或其他没有 npm 的东西并且您想避免使用第三方库,这可能会很有用

JSON.stringify(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.colorbox')).map((el) => ({
    [el.querySelector('.colornamespan > a').innerText.toLowerCase()]: el.querySelector('.colorhexspan > a').innerText.toLowerCase()
})).reduce((acm, cur) => ({...acm, ...cur}), {}));


const wordToHex = {
    aliceblue: "#F0F8FF",
    antiquewhite: "#FAEBD7",
    aqua: "#00FFFF",
    aquamarine: "#7FFFD4",
    azure: "#F0FFFF",
    beige: "#F5F5DC",
    bisque: "#FFE4C4",
    black: "#000000",
    blanchedalmond: "#FFEBCD",
    blue: "#0000FF",
    blueviolet: "#8A2BE2",
    brown: "#A52A2A",
    burlywood: "#DEB887",
    cadetblue: "#5F9EA0",
    chartreuse: "#7FFF00",
    chocolate: "#D2691E",
    coral: "#FF7F50",
    cornflowerblue: "#6495ED",
    cornsilk: "#FFF8DC",
    crimson: "#DC143C",
    cyan: "#00FFFF",
    darkblue: "#00008B",
    darkcyan: "#008B8B",
    darkgoldenrod: "#B8860B",
    darkgray: "#A9A9A9",
    darkgrey: "#A9A9A9",
    darkgreen: "#006400",
    darkkhaki: "#BDB76B",
    darkmagenta: "#8B008B",
    darkolivegreen: "#556B2F",
    darkorange: "#FF8C00",
    darkorchid: "#9932CC",
    darkred: "#8B0000",
    darksalmon: "#E9967A",
    darkseagreen: "#8FBC8F",
    darkslateblue: "#483D8B",
    darkslategray: "#2F4F4F",
    darkslategrey: "#2F4F4F",
    darkturquoise: "#00CED1",
    darkviolet: "#9400D3",
    deeppink: "#FF1493",
    deepskyblue: "#00BFFF",
    dimgray: "#696969",
    dimgrey: "#696969",
    dodgerblue: "#1E90FF",
    firebrick: "#B22222",
    floralwhite: "#FFFAF0",
    forestgreen: "#228B22",
    fuchsia: "#FF00FF",
    gainsboro: "#DCDCDC",
    ghostwhite: "#F8F8FF",
    gold: "#FFD700",
    goldenrod: "#DAA520",
    gray: "#808080",
    grey: "#808080",
    green: "#008000",
    greenyellow: "#ADFF2F",
    honeydew: "#F0FFF0",
    hotpink: "#FF69B4",
    indianred: "#CD5C5C",
    indigo: "#4B0082",
    ivory: "#FFFFF0",
    khaki: "#F0E68C",
    lavender: "#E6E6FA",
    lavenderblush: "#FFF0F5",
    lawngreen: "#7CFC00",
    lemonchiffon: "#FFFACD",
    lightblue: "#ADD8E6",
    lightcoral: "#F08080",
    lightcyan: "#E0FFFF",
    lightgoldenrodyellow: "#FAFAD2",
    lightgray: "#D3D3D3",
    lightgrey: "#D3D3D3",
    lightgreen: "#90EE90",
    lightpink: "#FFB6C1",
    lightsalmon: "#FFA07A",
    lightseagreen: "#20B2AA",
    lightskyblue: "#87CEFA",
    lightslategray: "#778899",
    lightslategrey: "#778899",
    lightsteelblue: "#B0C4DE",
    lightyellow: "#FFFFE0",
    lime: "#00FF00",
    limegreen: "#32CD32",
    linen: "#FAF0E6",
    magenta: "#FF00FF",
    maroon: "#800000",
    mediumaquamarine: "#66CDAA",
    mediumblue: "#0000CD",
    mediumorchid: "#BA55D3",
    mediumpurple: "#9370DB",
    mediumseagreen: "#3CB371",
    mediumslateblue: "#7B68EE",
    mediumspringgreen: "#00FA9A",
    mediumturquoise: "#48D1CC",
    mediumvioletred: "#C71585",
    midnightblue: "#191970",
    mintcream: "#F5FFFA",
    mistyrose: "#FFE4E1",
    moccasin: "#FFE4B5",
    navajowhite: "#FFDEAD",
    navy: "#000080",
    oldlace: "#FDF5E6",
    olive: "#808000",
    olivedrab: "#6B8E23",
    orange: "#FFA500",
    orangered: "#FF4500",
    orchid: "#DA70D6",
    palegoldenrod: "#EEE8AA",
    palegreen: "#98FB98",
    paleturquoise: "#AFEEEE",
    palevioletred: "#DB7093",
    papayawhip: "#FFEFD5",
    peachpuff: "#FFDAB9",
    peru: "#CD853F",
    pink: "#FFC0CB",
    plum: "#DDA0DD",
    powderblue: "#B0E0E6",
    purple: "#800080",
    rebeccapurple: "#663399",
    red: "#FF0000",
    rosybrown: "#BC8F8F",
    royalblue: "#4169E1",
    saddlebrown: "#8B4513",
    salmon: "#FA8072",
    sandybrown: "#F4A460",
    seagreen: "#2E8B57",
    seashell: "#FFF5EE",
    sienna: "#A0522D",
    silver: "#C0C0C0",
    skyblue: "#87CEEB",
    slateblue: "#6A5ACD",
    slategray: "#708090",
    slategrey: "#708090",
    snow: "#FFFAFA",
    springgreen: "#00FF7F",
    steelblue: "#4682B4",
    tan: "#D2B48C",
    teal: "#008080",
    thistle: "#D8BFD8",
    tomato: "#FF6347",
    turquoise: "#40E0D0",
    violet: "#EE82EE",
    wheat: "#F5DEB3",
    white: "#FFFFFF",
    whitesmoke: "#F5F5F5",
    yellow: "#FFFF00",
    yellowgreen: "#9ACD32",

const hexToWord =  Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(wordToHex).map(([k, v]) => [v, k]))

const toHex = (color) => wordToHex[color.toLowerCase()];
const fromHex = (hex) => hexToWord[hex.toLowerCase()];

Here you can see RGB and corresponding color names:在这里您可以看到 RGB 和相应的颜色名称:

http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp

How you can use It depends on your application, you can store It in a database or may hardcoding It.如何使用它取决于您的应用程序,您可以将它存储在数据库中,也可以对其进行硬编码。

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