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如何将C ++ / CLI程序编译为.lib并将其与纯非托管C ++程序链接?

[英]How to compile a C++/CLI program into .lib and link it with a pure unmanaged C++ program?

I'm following this http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10020/Using-managed-code-in-an-unmanaged-application 我正在关注这个http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10020/Using-managed-code-in-an-unmanaged-application

The example consist of 3 binaries: 该示例包含3个二进制文件:

  1. C# code C#代码
  2. C++/CLI code C ++ / CLI代码
  3. C++ code C ++代码

The C++ code calls on the C++/CLI code, which then calls on the C# code, to achieve a way of running C# codes from C++. C ++代码调用C ++ / CLI代码,然后调用C#代码,以实现从C ++运行C#代码的方式。

The problem is, the C++/CLI is compiled as a .dll, when I tried to compile it into .lib, so that the C++ code and be linked together with the C++/CLI code, it fails. 问题是,当我尝试将C ++ / CLI编译为.dll时,它会将C ++代码与C ++ / CLI代码链接在一起,因此它失败了。

So that the end result will only consist of 2 binaries. 这样最终结果将仅包含2个二进制文件。

  1. C# code C#代码
  2. C++ --LINK-- C++/CLI code C ++ --LINK-- C ++ / CLI代码

The error 错误

Error   1   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl IMessageBoxWrapper::Destroy(class IMessageBoxWrapper *)" (__imp_?Destroy@IMessageBoxWrapper@@SAXPAV1@@Z) referenced in function _main  C:\Users\Zero\Desktop\UmanagedApp\UmanagedApp\main.obj  UmanagedApp

Error   2   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class IMessageBoxWrapper * __cdecl IMessageBoxWrapper::CreateInstance(void)" (__imp_?CreateInstance@IMessageBoxWrapper@@SAPAV1@XZ) referenced in function _main C:\Users\Zero\Desktop\UmanagedApp\UmanagedApp\main.obj  UmanagedApp

Since you no longer have a DLL, you shouldn't be using __declspec(dllimport) at all. 由于您不再拥有DLL,因此根本不应该使用__declspec(dllimport)

Actually, I strongly discourage using that on classes in any case, it's very fragile. 实际上,无论如何我都强烈建议不要在类上使用它,因为它非常脆弱。

So just remove DLLAPI from all the class definitions. 因此,只需从所有类定义中删除DLLAPI

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