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[英]php parse json data from google directions

I'm trying to parse json data from google directions but can't seem to access access any of the values. 我正在尝试从谷歌方向解析json数据,但似乎无法访问任何值的访问权限。 Here is the php code; 这是php代码;

$url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=Chicago,IL&destination=Los+Angeles&sensor=false";

$jsonfile = json_encode(file_get_contents($url));

$jsondata = json_decode($jsonfile);

echo $jsondata->distance;

here is (some) of the json data returns: 这里是(一些)json数据返回:

{ "routes" : [ { "bounds" : { "northeast" : { "lat" : 41.90085000000001, "lng" : -87.62979000000001 }, "southwest" : { "lat" : 34.052360, "lng" : -118.243560 } }, "copyrights" : "Map data ©2012 Google", "legs" : [ { "distance" : { "text" : "2,015 mi", "value" : 3243390 }, "duration" : { "text" : "1 day 8 hours", "value" : 114318 }, "end_address" : "Los Angeles, CA, USA", "end_location" : { "lat" : 34.052360, "lng" : -118.243560 }, "start_address" : "Chicago, IL, USA", "start_location" : { "lat" : 41.87811000000001, "lng" : -87.62979000000001 }, "steps" : [ { "distance" : { "text" : "0.2 mi", "value" : 269 }, "duration" : { "text" : "1 min", "value" : 34 }, "end_location" : { "lat" : 41.87570, "lng" : -87.62969000000001 }, "html_instructions" : "Head \u003cb\u003esouth\u003c/b\u003e on \u003cb\u003eS Federal St\u003c/b\u003e toward \u003cb\u003eW Van Buren St\u003c/b\u003e", "polyline" : { "points" : "eir~FdezuOhFIF?HAdFG" }, "start_location" : { "lat" : 41.87811000000001, "lng" : -87.62979000000001 }, "travel_mode" : "DRIVING" }, { "distance" : { "text" : "0.2 mi", "value" : 328 }, "duration" : { "text" : "1 min", "value" : 51 }, "end_location" : { "lat" : 41.875680, "lng" : -87.63366000000002 }, "html_instructions" : "Turn \u003cb\u003eright\u003c/b\u003e onto \u003cb\u003eW Congress Pkwy\u003c/b\u003e", "polyline" : { "points" : "czq~FpdzuO?jE@nEBfGAtB" }, "start_location" : { "lat" : 41.87570, "lng" : -87.62969000000001 }, "travel_mode" : "DRIVING" }, { "distance" : { "text" : "14.0 mi", "value" : 22564 }, "duration" : { "text" : "17 mins", "value" : 1031 }, "end_location" : { "lat" : 41.873870, "lng" : -87.903170 }, "html_instructions" : "Continue onto \u003cb\u003eI-290 W\u003c/b\u003e", "polyline" : { "points" : "_zq~Fj}zuOCtD?fA?f@?pC?P?T@V@zJ?@@T?J?J?F?N?@?J?J?N?p@@xA?h@?B?~A@xD?h@?lB?n@@n@?n@?B@~G?f@A\\EvAGnBEz@EpA?JBlC?F?F?T?B?f@HtM?R?J?t@?|CCvDAb@E`EGlDKzCCd@OrBa@rFGfAAd@?HAp@?`ADbJDzJ?fB?dENdFB~N?d@?RFlH@~C?J@~A?H?XFrKAx@@l@?n@@^@bANnQ?rAAnMCnC@tH@x@FxJ?hB@tM?j@?p@BxFLrT?B?H?jQBbG@|AHxLBVJ~CLfC\\|EHtAHtAVpDf@tF\\dFTxCXhDVzBNtCFlEB|HBvEDlRAhC?xANxU@^?~A?nADxW@vA?l@Dv[?|@?\\@bCHdI@z@ZxDh@zDRx@T|@t@dCPf@bBlEf@dB^vA^jCR`CDv@?LHfBH`X?z@F|V@pF?`@L|Y@v@@dKDbO?jEDdHZjHR`EBd@D`@h@~IHpB@p@@n@?p@BjACvFE`IMrIQzIKfEc@tQEjCCn@}@dUSjFCf@mA~[Ar@QlMObGWlEEx@sB`_@Ep@aBt\\EdA?FcAbU?XCrCKnC?zBR|LB`@B\\?Dz@hG@F@Ft@vDJl@pBfMnAtHZ|ERrEJhTH|GLvJ^rHr@|HX`G@`FLnX@`B?`A@|CAbCRnT?BJ`OHrJDbC@r@XzZ?@DfHMdIe@bHIhD@zHPhP?@@V@fBN|O?T@j@DnEHpQFlGDtCDtEDrEFlEt@jJF~@`@dDPtAXtCd@`IFlC@j@?j@?hAHpLB~C@bDA|DErBCl@Av@O`C]~DWzB[lB[fB]zAo@dCc@~Am@jBo@bBoCxG?@Sd@g@vAY~@St@W|@_@bBUhAYdB]vBMhA[vCKtAEbAIxA?PAXCb@AhA" }, "start_location" : { "lat" : 41.875680, "lng" : -87.63366000000002 }, "travel_mode" : "DRIVING" }, { "distance" : { "text" : "140 mi", "value" : 224957 }, "duration" : { "text" : "2 hours 13 mins", "value" : 8008 }, "end_location" : { "lat" : 41.53651000000001, "lng" : -90.32902000000001 }

The error returned is as follows: 返回的错误如下:

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp2\www\phpAcademy\GoogleDirectionsApi\TMP25mnfz82oi.php on line 8
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0004  366752  {main}( )   ..\TMP25mnfz82oi.php:0

Google already returns JSON, so you do not need to encode it first. Google已经返回JSON,因此您无需先对其进行编码。 Secondly the 'distance' key is deeper in the response structure: 其次,'距离'键在响应结构中更深:

 $origin      = "Rome, Italy";
 $destination = "Venice, Italy";
 $key = "YOUR-OWN-KEY";
 $url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=".urlencode($origin).",IL&destination=" . urlencode( $destination) . "&sensor=false&key=" . $key;
 $jsonfile = file_get_contents($url);
 $jsondata = json_decode($jsonfile);
 echo $jsondata->routes[0]->legs[0]->distance;

You can easily get all the data in json or array format: 您可以轻松地以json或数组格式获取所有数据:

$url = " https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=28.704059,77.102490&destination=30.719059,76.748704&sensor=false "; $ url =“ https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=28.704059,77.102490&destination=30.719059,76.748704&sensor=false ”;

$jsonfile = file_get_contents($url); $ jsonfile = file_get_contents($ url);

$jsondata = json_decode($jsonfile); $ jsondata = json_decode($ jsonfile);

echo $jsondata->routes[0]->legs[0]->distance; echo $ jsondata-> routes [0] - > legs [0] - > distance;

if this error occur: 如果发生此错误:

Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string 可捕获的致命错误:类stdClass的对象无法转换为字符串

than plz use for a output print_r() function 比plz用于输出print_r()函数

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