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[英]jquery function executed more than once

I am in mobile app. 我在移动应用中。

I have a function that create a dynamic checkbox (getItem1) and inside this function I call another one that update sqlite . 我有一个创建动态复选框(getItem1)的函数,在这个函数中我调用另一个更新sqlite的函数。

function getItem1(flatname, flatdescription) {

    $('#displayflat article3').empty();
    $('#displayflat article1').empty();
    $('#displayflat article2').empty();
        var gtotal=0;
        var total = 0;
        var payment = 0;
        var previouspayments = 0;
        var sofeilon = 0;
        var total1 = 0;
        var payment1 = 0;
        var previouspayments1 = 0;
        var sofeilon1 = 0;
        var len = 0;
        var list = $('#Code'),
            allbarcode = [],
            my = {},
            barcode = [],
            barcodeamount = [],
            barcodeprevious = [],
            items = [];

        $.mobile.notesdb.transaction(function(t) {
            t.executeSql('SELECT barcode, buildingcode, buildingaddress, flatname, flatdescription, entryseason, period, amount, pastpayments, todaypayments, paydate, receiptno FROM bill WHERE flatname = ? AND flatdescription = ?',
            [flatname, flatdescription],
            function(t, resultflatname) {
                var i,
                    len = resultflatname.rows.length,
                    row = 0,
                    rowprev = 0,
                    rowb = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
                    row = resultflatname.rows.item(i);

    if (row.amount > row.todaypayments + row.pastpayments) {
                    if (row.receiptno == 0){
                        items.push('<input type="checkbox" name="code_'+ i +'" id="code_'+ i +'" value="' + row.amount + '" previous="' + row.pastpayments + '" barcode="' + row.barcode + '" todayp="' + row.todaypayments + '"/><label for="code_'+ i +'">' + row.period +'..........'+ row.amount+'</label></br>');
                    } else {
                    if ((row.receiptno > 0) && (row.amount > row.todaypayments + row.pastpayments)){
                        items.push('<input type="checkbox" name="code_'+ i +'" id="code_'+ i +'" value="' + row.amount + '" previous="' + row.pastpayments + '" barcode="' + row.barcode + '" todayp="' + row.todaypayments + '"/><label for="code_'+ i +'">' + row.period +'..........'+ row.amount+'</label></br>');

                        allbarcode[i] = row.barcode;
    //                  barcodeamount[i] = row.amount;
    //                  barcodeprevious[i] = row.pastpayments;
                        previouspayments1 = previouspayments1 + row.pastpayments;
                        previouspayments = previouspayments1.toFixed(2);
                        sofeilon1 = sofeilon1 + row.amount;
                        sofeilon = sofeilon1.toFixed(2);
                        total1 = sofeilon - previouspayments;
                        total = total1.toFixed(2);


                $('#displayflat h1').text(row.flatname);
                $('#displayflat article').html('<h2>Flatname : ' + row.flatdescription + '</h2>');
                if (total != 0){
                    $('#displayflat article1').html('<p>Total : ' + total + '</p>');
                    $('#displayflat article2').html('<p>Months Total : ' + sofeilon + '</p>');
                if (previouspayments != 0) {
                    $('#displayflat article3').html('<p>Previous Payments : <font color="red">' + previouspayments + '</font></p>');

                function calcTotal() {
                    $("input:checked").each(function() {
                        var value = [$(this).attr("value")]-[$(this).attr("previous")];
                        payment = payment + parseFloat(value); //total = total + value          

                function barcodeTotal() {
                    barcode = [];
                    $("input:checked").each(function(i) {
                        barcode[i] = $(this).attr("barcode");
                        barcodeamount[i] = $(this).attr("value");
                        barcodeprevious[i] = $(this).attr("previous");

                $("#Payment").html('<p class="total">Total Payment: <strong>' + payment.toFixed(2) + '</strong></p>');

                $("input:checkbox, input:radio").click(function() {
                    payment = 0;
                    $("p.total").html("Total Payment: <strong>" + payment.toFixed(2) + "</strong>");

                    payment = 0;
                    gtotal = ($('#shares').val() * 1) + payment;
                    gtotal = gtotal.toFixed(2);
                    $("p.total").html("Total Payment: <strong>" + gtotal + "</strong>");

                    $("input:checkbox, input:radio").click(function() {
                        payment = 0;
                        gtotal = ($('#shares').val() * 1) + payment;
                        gtotal = gtotal.toFixed(2);
                        $("p.total").html("Total Payment: <strong>" + gtotal + "</strong>");

                $("#pay").click(function(e) {
                    updateItem(payment.toFixed(2), gtotal, barcode, barcodeamount, barcodeprevious, allbarcode);


and the code of updateItem. 和updateItem的代码。 I use alert just to watch how many times executed. 我只使用警报来观察执行了多少次。

function updateItem(payment, gtotal, barcodetotal, barcodeamount, barcodeprevious, allbarcode) {
    var i,
        len = barcodetotal.length,
        lenall = allbarcode.length,
        row = [],
        enanti = 0,
        minimum = 0,

    $.mobile.notesdb.transaction(function(t) {
        t.executeSql('SELECT userid, name, receiptno FROM collector', 
            [], function(t, resultcollector) {
                myrow = resultcollector.rows.item(0);
                receiptno = myrow.receiptno + 1;
                t.executeSql('UPDATE collector SET receiptno = ?', [receiptno]);

                if (payment > 0 && gtotal == 0) {
                    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
                        row = barcodetotal[i];
                            for (j = 0; j < lenall; j += 1) {
                                if (allbarcode[j] == row){
                                    var place = j;
                        allbarcode.splice(place, 1);
                        barcodeprevious.slice(place, 1);

                        today = barcodeamount[i] - barcodeprevious[i];
                        var billtoday = barcodeamount[i];
                        t.executeSql('UPDATE bill SET pastpayments = ?, receiptno = ?, paydate = date("now") WHERE barcode = ?', [billtoday, receiptno, row]);
                        t.executeSql('INSERT INTO billpayments (barcode, amount, collectorid, receiptno) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
                            [row, today, myrow.userid, receiptno]);

                    if (gtotal > 0) {   
                        enanti = gtotal - payment;
                        var minimum = Math.min.apply( null, allbarcode );
                        t.executeSql('SELECT barcode, amount, pastpayments, todaypayments FROM bill WHERE barcode = ?',
                            function(t, previousp) {
                                var myr = previousp.rows.item(0);
                                var todaypp = myr.pastpayments + enanti;

                                t.executeSql('UPDATE bill SET pastpayments = ?, todaypayments = ?, receiptno = ?, paydate = date("now") WHERE barcode = ?', [todaypp, enanti, receiptno, minimum]);
                                t.executeSql('INSERT INTO billpayments (barcode, amount, collectorid, receiptno) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
                                    [minimum, enanti, myrow.userid, receiptno]);

                    $.mobile.changePage('#display', 'slideup', false, true);


When getItem1 executed for the first time everything is OK. 第一次执行getItem1时,一切正常。

For the second time of getItem1 the updateItem executed I think twice. 对于getItem1第二次执行updateItem,我想了三次。

The third time of getItem1 the updateItem 3 times and so on. getItem1第三次使用updateItem 3次,依此类推。

After all that I cannot watch if the data are ok... 毕竟我无法看到数据是否正常......

You're hooking up your click event more than once. 您已多次关联了点击事件。 Each time through you need to remove the click event. 每次通过您都需要删除click事件。

Change your line for: 将您的行更改为:

$("#pay").click(function(e) {

to: 至:

$("#pay").unbind('click').click(function(e) {

Move 移动

            $("#pay").click(function(e) {
                updateItem(payment.toFixed(2), gtotal, barcode, barcodeamount, barcodeprevious, allbarcode);

Outside of the function, into the document.ready and use on http://api.jquery.com/on/ 在函数之外,进入document.readyon http://api.jquery.com/on/上使用

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