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[英]PHP, help displaying query results of related tables

I'm new to working with db's and for practice I created a simple database called "Company", with three tables: employee, department, position. 我不熟悉数据库,实际上,我创建了一个名为“ Company”的简单数据库,其中包含三个表:雇员,部门,职位。 The fields in the employee table are: id, name, dept_id, pos_id and am using foreign keys to relate department and position to employee. 员工表中的字段为:id,名称,dept_id,pos_id,并且正在使用外键将部门和职位与员工相关联。

I'd like to display the information like this: 我想显示以下信息:

Department 1
Directors: Kevin, Jane, Tom
Managers: Joe, Fred, Mary

Deparment 2
Directors: Bill, Elizabeth, Frank
Managers: Jennifer, Brian, Nicole

I used a JOIN statement to return all employees with their related positions and departments, but I can't figure out the correct PHP to display them like the example above. 我使用了JOIN语句返回所有具有相关职位和部门的员工,但是我无法像上面的示例那样找到正确的PHP来显示他们。 Should I have not used JOINS? 我应该没有使用过JOINS吗?


$sql = "SELECT employee.name, position.pos_name, department.dept_name 
        FROM employee
        INNER JOIN position
        ON employee.pos_id = position.id
        INNER JOIN department
        ON employee.dept_id = department.id";

    $result = $dbconn->query($sql);

Any help would be great, 任何帮助都会很棒,

Thanks 谢谢

First of all: Adapt your SQL to sort as needed 首先:根据需要调整SQL以进行排序

    $sql = "SELECT employee.name, position.pos_name, department.dept_name 
            FROM employee
            INNER JOIN position
            ON employee.pos_id = position.id
            INNER JOIN department
            ON employee.dept_id = department.id
            ORDER BY dept_name,pos_name";

    $result = $dbconn->query($sql);

now do a double group change loop: 现在进行双组更改循环:


while (true) {

  if (!$row) break;

  if (!($row[2]===$dname)) {
    //Group change #1: We have a new department
    echo "<br>\nDepartment: $dname";

  if (!($row[1]===$pname)) {
    //Group change #2: We have a new Position
    echo "<br>\n$dname: ";

  echo $separator.$row[0];
  $separator=', ';

What is $result? 什么是$ result? Is it a db resource, or does the query() method return an array? 它是数据库资源,还是query()方法返回数组?

Assuming $result is an associative array returned by the query() method, you should be able to iterate through it and use conditionals to grab the information you need. 假设$ result是query()方法返回的关联数组,则您应该能够对其进行迭代并使用条件获取所需的信息。

foreach($result as $row)
    switch($row['department.dept_name']) {
        case "department 1"
           if($row['position.pos_name']) == 'Director') {
               $department1['directors'][] = $row['employee.name'];
           } else if($row['position.pos_name'] == 'Manager') {
               $department1['managers'][] = $row['employee.name'];

        case "department 2"
          //repeat for each department


This will give you an associative array for each department, then you can iterate over those and echo out HTML in the format you described. 这将为您提供每个部门的关联数组,然后您可以遍历这些部门并以您描述的格式回显HTML。

If $result is a DB resource and not an array, then you would need to do something like: 如果$ result是数据库资源而不是数组,那么您需要执行以下操作:

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $data[] = $row;

and then use $data instead of $result in the foreach statement. 然后在foreach语句中使用$ data代替$ result。

I can't test it and I'm not too sure if the condition should be in the JOIN or in a HAVING after, but try to test this: 我无法测试它,也不太确定条件是在JOIN之后还是在HAVING之后,但是尝试测试一下:

    $sql = "
            SELECT department.dept_name,department.id,
            GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT directors.name SEPARATOR ', '),
            GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT managers.name SEPARATOR ', ')
            FROM department
                JOIN employee AS directors
                    ON directors.pos_id = x //director position
                    AND directors.dept_id = department.id
                JOIN employee AS managers 
                    ON managers.pos_id = x //managers position
                    AND managers.dept_id = department.id
            GROUP BY department.id"
$result = $dbconn->query($sql);

EDIT: Sorry, my request was (very) wrong, should be fine now 编辑:对不起,我的要求是(非常)错误,现在应该可以了

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo $row['name of column here']; // repeat this for all columns.

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