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Maven Codehaus findbugs插件“onlyAnalyze”选项未按预期工作

[英]Maven Codehaus findbugs plugin “onlyAnalyze” option not working as expected

Update for the impatient: it's simple, use package.- for sub-package scanning instead of package.* , as-per martoe's answer below! 不耐烦的更新:它很简单,使用package.-用于子包扫描而不是package.* ,as-per martoe的答案如下!

I cannot seem to get onlyAnalyze working for my multi-module project: regardless of what package (or pattern) I set, maven-findbugs-plugin doesn't evaluate sub-packages as I'd expect from passing it packagename.*. 我似乎无法onlyAnalyze为我的多模块项目工作:无论我设置什么包(或模式),maven-findbugs-plugin都不会评估子包,因为我希望传递packagename。*。

To prove either myself or the plugin at fault (though I always assume it's the former!), I setup a small Maven project with the following structure: 为了证明自己或插件有问题(虽然我总是认为它是前者!),我设置了一个具有以下结构的小型Maven项目:


which is very simple! 这很简单!

The POM has the following findbugs configuration: POM具有以下findbugs配置:


and every App.java has the following code with two obvious violations: 每个App.java都有以下代码,有两个明显的违规:

package acme;
import java.io.Serializable;

public class App implements Serializable
    private static final class NotSer {
        private String meh = "meh";

    private static final NotSer ns = new NotSer();// Violation: not serializable field

    public static void main( String[] args )
        ns.meh = "hehehe";// Vilation: unused
        System.out.println( "Hello World!" );

Note that no_detect.App has the same content as above, but my expectation is that it wouldn't be evaluated by findbugs because I have the "onlyAnalyze" option set to acme.* which I assume would evaluate acme.App and acme.moo.App and nothing else. 请注意, no_detect.App具有与上面相同的内容,但我的期望是它不会被findbugs评估,因为我将“onlyAnalyze”选项设置为acme.*我假设它将评估acme.Appacme.moo.App而已。

I now execute a mvn clean install to clean, build, test, run findbugs, package, install, which produces the following findbugs report (snipped for brevity) and results in a build failure which is expected because acme.App and acme.moo.App : 我现在执行一个mvn clean install来清理,构建,测试,运行findbugs,package,install,这会产生以下findbugs报告(为了简洁而剪断)并导致构建失败,这是因为acme.Appacme.moo.App

<BugInstance category='BAD_PRACTICE' type='SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID' instanceOccurrenceMax='0'>
<ShortMessage>Class is Serializable, but doesn't define serialVersionUID</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>acme.App is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID</LongMessage>
  &lt;p&gt; This field is never read.&amp;nbsp; Consider removing it from the class.&lt;/p&gt;
<BugPattern category='BAD_PRACTICE' abbrev='SnVI' type='SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID'><ShortDescription>Class is Serializable, but doesn't define serialVersionUID</ShortDescription><Details>
<BugCode abbrev='UrF'><Description>Unread field</Description></BugCode><BugCode abbrev='SnVI'><Description>Serializable class with no Version ID</Description></BugCode>

To summarise: only acme.App is analysed, acme.moo.App isn't (bad) and neither is no_detect.App (good). 总结:仅acme.App分析, acme.moo.App不是(坏)既不是no_detect.App (好)。

I tried with two wildcards in the onlyAnalyze option but that produces a successful build but with a findbugs error ( Dangling meta character '*' etc). 我尝试在onlyAnalyze选项中使用两个通配符但是这会产生一个成功的构建,但是有一个findbugs错误( Dangling meta character '*'等)。

I tried with onlyAnalyze set to acme.*,acme.moo.* which analyzes all the expected classes ( acme.App and acme.moo.App ) which means it "works" but not as I expect; 我尝试将onlyAnalyze设置为acme.*,acme.moo.* ,它分析了所有预期的类( acme.Appacme.moo.App ),这意味着它“有效”,但并不像我期望的那样; ie I have to explicitly declare all parent-packages for the classes I want to analyze: that could get large and difficult to maintain on a multi-module project! 即我必须为我想要分析的类显式声明所有父包:在多模块项目中可能会变得很大并且难以维护!

Do I have to define every package I want analyzed, or can I declare a wildcard/regex pattern that will do what I want? 我是否必须定义我想要分析的每个包,或者我可以声明一个可以做我想要的通配符/正则表达式模式吗?

I'd rather not use the inclusion/exclusion XML because that requires far more setup and reasoning that I don't currently have time for... 我宁愿不使用包含/排除XML,因为这需要更多的设置和推理,我目前没有时间...

引用Findbugs手册 :“替换。*与.-同时分析所有子包”

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