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[英]How do I get rid of the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom?

Please take a look at this . 请看一下这个

I've tried adjusting the overflow properties and changing the widths of the images but the scroll bar remains at the bottom of the screen. 我尝试过调整溢出属性并更改图像的宽度,但滚动条仍位于屏幕底部。

Does anyone know what is causing this and how to stop this? 有谁知道是什么原因造成的,以及如何制止这种情况?

The problem is in your .slideshow definition (style.css:199...). 问题出在您的.slideshow定义中(style.css:199 ...)。

The browser tries to solve the formula: 浏览器尝试求解公式:

+ margin-left
+ border-left-width
+ padding-left
+ width
+ padding-right
+ border-right-width
+ margin-right
+ right
= parent width

and fails because left is 50% and width is 100%. 并失败,因为left为50%, width为100%。 Your use of margin:-800px won't help on a device with display width of 1920px, as (1920*1.5 - 800) is 2080 and thus too wide for a device of that size. 使用margin:-800px在显示宽度为1920px的设备上无济于事,因为(1920 * 1.5-800)为2080,因此对于该尺寸的设备而言太宽了。

Use the following definition instead, as it will implicit create a element with an width of 100%. 请改用以下定义,因为它将隐式创建一个width为100%的元素。

    z-index: -9999;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;

See also CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3: Section 7.1 . 另请参见CSS位置布局模块级别3:第7.1节 Keep in mind, that even when you use the technique described above users with a display width of less than 1024px will have a scrollbar. 请记住,即使您使用上述技术,显示宽度小于1024px的用户也将具有滚动条。 For this issue try body{overflow-x:hidden;} . 对于此问题,请尝试body{overflow-x:hidden;}

Your old code (don't use it! only for completion): 您的旧代码(请勿使用它!仅用于完成操作):

    z-index: -9999;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 50%;
    width: 100% !important;
    margin-left: -800px;


body { overflow-x: hidden; }

should do it. 应该这样做。

or to be on the safe side, to cover browsers that might not support that: 或出于安全考虑,以涵盖可能不支持的浏览器:


You can do as Mr. Pallazzo said, but this will chop off all content to the right side (that you're now having to scroll to see) which you probably don't want. 您可以按照Pallazzo先生所说的做,但是这会将所有内容切掉到右侧(您现在必须滚动才能看到),而这可能是您不想要的。 Please take a good look instead at the width specifications of the wrapper divs etc. Your div called wraper has a width set as 1003px. 请包装的div等你的DIV称为宽度规格好好看看,而不是wraper具有width设置为1003px。 It is best not to set dimensions in such absolute terms, and instead use percentages. 最好不要以这样的绝对术语设置尺寸,而应使用百分比。

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