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[英]progress bar for reading lines in text file

I'm reading lines form in a text file and then performing actions per line. 我在文本文件中读取行格式,然后每行执行操作。 Due to the size of the text file and the time of each action 500 => seconds. 由于文本文件的大小和每个动作的时间500 =>秒。 I would like to be able to view the progress but not sure where to start. 我希望能够查看进度,但不知道从哪里开始。

Here is an example script I'm using, how would write that for this? 这是我正在使用的示例脚本,如何为此编写?

import os

tmp = "test.txt"
f = open(tmp,'r')

for i in f:
    ip = i.strip()
    os.system("ping " + ip + " -n 500")


test.txt: 的test.txt:

Here's a handy module: progress_bar . 这是一个方便的模块: progress_bar

It's short and simple enough; 它简短而简单; read the source for ideas on implementing your own. 阅读有关实施自己的想法的来源。

Here's a very simple piece of code that, I hope, makes things clearer: 这是一段非常简单的代码,我希望它能让事情变得更加清晰:

import time, sys

# The print statement effectively treats '\r' as a newline, 
# so use sys.stdout.write() and .flush() instead ...
def carriage_return_a():

# ... or send a terminal control code to non-windows systems
# (this is what the `progress_bar` module does)
def carriage_return_b():
    if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
        print '\r'
        print chr(27) + '[A'

bar_len = 10
for i in range(bar_len + 1):
    # Generate a fixed-length string of '*' and ' ' characters
    bar = ''.join(['*'] * i + [' '] * (bar_len - i))

    # Insert the above string and the current value of i into a format
    # string and print, suppressing the newline with a comma at the end
    print '[{0}] {1}'.format(bar, i),

    # Write a carriage return, sending the cursor back to the beginning
    # of the line without moving to a new line. 

    # Sleep

As others have observed, you still need to know the total number of lines in the file in order to have a very meaningful progress bar. 正如其他人所观察到的那样,您仍然需要知道文件中的总行数才能获得非常有意义的进度条。 The most straightforward way to do that is to read the whole file to get a line count; 最直接的方法是读取整个文件以获得行数; but that's rather wasteful. 但这很浪费。

Incorporating this into a simple class isn't too hard... now you can create the progress bar and update() it whenever the value of interest changes. 将它合并到一个简单的类中并不太难......现在你可以创建进度条并在感兴趣的值发生变化时update()它。

class SimpleProgressBar(object):
    def __init__(self, maximum, state=0):
        self.max = maximum
        self.state = state

    def _carriage_return(self):

    def _display(self):
        stars = ''.join(['*'] * self.state + [' '] * (self.max - self.state))
        print '[{0}] {1}/{2}'.format(stars, self.state, self.max),

    def update(self, value=None):
        if not value is None:
            self.state = value

spb = SimpleProgressBar(10)
for i in range(0, 11):

Another starting point could be the progressbar module. 另一个起点可能是progressbar模块。

You can also download the source code [here] , inside the tar.gz there's an example.py file with some good examples. 你也可以下载源代码[here] ,在tar.gz里面有一个带有一些很好例子的example.py文件。

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