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[英]Read Attributes of SVG-Elements in HTML via JS

I have the following markup (HTML with native SVG): 我有以下标记(HTML与本机SVG):

<!doctype html>
   <!-- ...    
        ... --> 
   <svg version="1.1" ... >
        <defs> <circle id="infop" cx="0" cy="0" r="9" /> </defs>
        <!-- ... 
             svg Elements
             ... --> 
        <svg> <!-- to have separate coordinate-system -->
            <g id="outSvg"></g>

A js-method outputs a line and several <use href="infotop"> Elements to #outSvg (to become a graph). js方法输出一行和几个<use href="infotop"> Elements到#outSvg (成为图形)。 The <use> Elements have onmouseover-Events to show tooltips. <use>元素具有onmouseover-Events以显示工具提示。

Now, when it comes to retrieving the coordinates in the onmouseover-function of the <use> i run into problems: 现在,当涉及到检索<use>onmouseover-function中的坐标时,我会遇到问题:

I tried the following different approaches to retrieve the values: 我尝试了以下不同的方法来检索值:

function showInfo(evt){

    console.log("target: "+evt.target);
    console.log("AttrNS: "+evt.target.getAttributeNS(null,"x"));
    console.log("Attrib: "+evt.target.getAttribute("x"));
    console.log("basVal: "+evt.target.x.baseVal.value);
    console.log("corrEl: "+evt.target.correspondingUseElement.x.baseVal.value);

producing the following output: 产生以下输出:

    //target -> ** [object SVGUseElement] in FF, in all other browsers: [object SVGElementInstance])
    //AttrNS -> Works only in FF
       // * Uncaught TypeError: Object #<SVGElementInstance> has no method 'getAttributeNS'
    //Attrib -> Works only in FF
       // * Uncaught TypeError: Object #<SVGElementInstance> has no method 'getAttribute'
    //basVal -> works only in FF
       // * Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'baseVal' of undefined
    //corrEl -> fails in FF but works in Ch, O and IE

Browsers:FF10, Ch16, O11.61, IE9 浏览器:FF10,Ch16,O11.61,IE9

Question: 题:

Why is getAttribute() failing in the other browsers? 为什么getAttribute()在其他浏览器中失败? Am I missing something important? 我错过了重要的事吗? Is there a consistent way to retrieve the values crossbrowser ? 是否有一致的方法来检索值crossbrowser (Besides via a switch between evt.target.x and evt.target.correspondingUseElement.x ) (除了通过evt.target.xevt.target.correspondingUseElement.x之间的切换)

important: vanilla js only, and I know about browserswitches, thats not the point! 重要的是:只有香草js,我知道浏览器开关,这不是重点! I'll provide a fiddle if needed, as soon as i find the time. 一旦找到时间,我会在需要时提供小提琴。 Finally - thank you for reading this! 最后 - 谢谢你阅读本文!

EDIT: * added the js-errors 编辑:*添加了js-errors

EDIT2: ** FF returns another Object than the other browsers EDIT2:** FF返回另一个对象而不是其他浏览器

Well, after reading Erik Dahlströms answer, i noticed that FF behaves wrong. 好吧,在阅读了ErikDahlströms的回答之后,我发现FF表现不对。 It should return an Element-Instance instead of the Use-Element directly. 它应该直接返回Element-Instance而不是Use-Element。

I use the following code now: 我现在使用以下代码:

var el = (evt.target.correspondingUseElement)?evt.target.correspondingUseElement:evt.target;


This way i can retrieve the Attributes via getAttribute() consistently in all browsers. 这样我就可以在所有浏览器中通过getAttribute()一致地检索属性。

can you try this? 你能试试吗? evt.target.getAttributeNode("x").nodeValue . evt.target.getAttributeNode("x").nodeValue I tried this in safari,chrome,Firefox its working fine. 我试过这个在safari,chrome,Firefox中工作正常。

As far as I know Firefox doesn't support SVGElementInstance. 据我所知,Firefox不支持SVGElementInstance。

Here are a couple of tests for SVGElementInstance from the w3c SVG 1.1 Second Edition testsuite to verify: 以下是来自w3c SVG 1.1 Second Edition测试套件的SVGElementInstance的几个测试,以验证:

What you should do is to provide a fallback solution if the SVGElementInstance isn't there, which is easy enough to detect, eg: 你应该做的是提供一个后备解决方案,如果没有SVGElementInstance,这很容易检测,例如:

if (elm.correspondingUseElement) {
  /* elm is a used instance, not a real element */
} else {
  /* fallback solution */

If the element is an SVGElementInstance it will have the correspondingUseElement property, otherwise it won't have it. 如果元素是SVGElementInstance,它将具有correspondingUseElement的UserElement属性,否则它将不具有它。 Normal svg elements will not have this property, only used instances will have it. 普通的svg元素不会有这个属性,只有用过的实例才会拥有它。


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