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[英]How to make a variable timer sequence which runs infinitive

I have n parameters which have to be run in sequence for t seconds each. 我有n参数,每个参数必须依次运行t秒。 All the data is stored in an array which is loaded dynamically through ajax and json and exists of: function parameters p and time to sleep t 所有数据都存储在一个数组中,该数组通过ajax和json动态加载,并且存在:函数参数p和睡眠时间t

function(p1) , for 30 seconds; function(p1) ,持续30秒; when it completes function(p2) for 15 seconds etc etc 当它完成function(p2) 15秒等时

Until the array is complete; 直到数组完成为止; then we have to start all over. 然后我们必须重新开始。 The number of parameters and its time being displayed are not determined on forehand. 参数的数量及其显示的时间不是预先确定的。

How can I implement this with javascript? 如何使用javascript来实现呢?

//edit: I tried to make one big function with function(p1) starting at t=0; // edit:我试图从t = 0开始用function(p1)制作一个大函数; function(p2) starting at t=t1; 从t = t1开始的函数(p2); function(p3) starting at t=t1+t3 从t = t1 + t3开始的函数(p3)

But it felt 'stupid' and overdone.... 但是感觉“愚蠢”和过头了。

I suspect you array looks like 我怀疑你数组看起来像

var myarray=[['p1',30],['p2',15] ...];

In this case you could 在这种情况下,您可以

function runme(i) {
  if (i>=myarray.length) i=0;
  var p=myarray[i][0];
  var t=myarray[i][1];

Edit 编辑

And ofcourse 而且当然


to start. 开始。

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