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在HTML5网站上的iPad 2上离线查看MS Office文档

[英]Viewing MS Office documents offline on an iPad 2 in an HTML5 site

I'm evaluating an HTML5 website that will allow the user to view MS Office documents (Word, Excel and PPTX), PDFs and possibly videos. 我正在评估一个HTML5网站,该网站将允许用户查看MS Office文档(Word,Excel和PPTX),PDF以及可能的视频。 All of this data should be accessible offline to the user on an iPad2. 用户可以在iPad2上离线访问所有这些数据。

After looking into concepts like cache manifest (and local storage), I understand that all this is possible, but what I am not clear about are the limitations of this approach. 在研究了诸如缓存清单(和本地存储)之类的概念之后,我了解到所有这些都是可能的,但是我不清楚这种方法的局限性。 Is there a limit to the size of the offline storage? 离线存储的大小是否有限制? What happens if the user clears the iPad cache? 如果用户清除iPad缓存会怎样? (Does the stored data also get wiped out? Would he then have to download all those documents again?) (是否也清除了存储的数据?然后他将不得不再次下载所有这些文件吗?)

Is there a limit to the size of the offline storage? 离线存储的大小是否有限制?

Yes. 是。 In current browsers it's about 5Mb I believe. 我相信在当前的浏览器中,它的大小约为5Mb。 In most browsers the user can increase the limit for particular websites, but it's not something you can control from inside your application. 在大多数浏览器中,用户可以增加特定网站的限制,但是您不能从应用程序内部对其进行控制。

What happens if the user clears the iPad cache? 如果用户清除iPad缓存会怎样?

The their cached data should be cleared, but see also Super Cookies . 他们的缓存数据应清除,但另请参阅“ 超级Cookie”

Does the stored data also get wiped out? 存储的数据还会被擦除吗?

If the user is trying to delete their stored data then that's what I'd expect to happen. 如果用户试图删除其存储的数据,那就是我期望发生的事情。

Would he then have to download all those documents again? 然后,他将不得不再次下载所有这些文档吗?

Yes. 是。

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