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[英]generating all permutations of 2 ones and 3 zeroes with itertools

probably basic, but couldn't find it in any other question. 可能是基本的,但在其他任何问题中都找不到。 I tried: 我试过了:

print ["".join(seq) for seq in itertools.permutations("00011")]

but got lots of duplications, seems like itertools doesn't understand all zeroes and all ones are the same... 但是有很多重复,好像itertools不能理解所有的零,并且所有的都是一样的...

what am I missing? 我想念什么?

EDIT: 编辑:

oops. 哎呀。 Thanks to Gareth I've found out this question is a dup of: permutations with unique values . 多亏了Gareth,我才发现这个问题是一个重复的问题: 具有唯一值的排列 Not closing it as I think my phrasing of the question is clearer. 我认为我对这个问题的表述比较清楚,所以没有关闭它。

set("".join(seq) for seq in itertools.permutations("00011"))
list(itertools.combinations(range(5), 2))

returns a list of 10 positions where the two ones can be within the five-digits (others are zero): 返回十个位置的列表,其中两个可以在五位数之内(其他均为零):

[(0, 1),
 (0, 2),
 (0, 3),
 (0, 4),
 (1, 2),
 (1, 3),
 (1, 4),
 (2, 3),
 (2, 4),
 (3, 4)]

For your case with 2 ones and 13 zeros, use this: 对于2个1和13个0的情况,请使用以下命令:

list(itertools.combinations(range(5), 2))

which returns a list of 105 positions. 返回105个职位的列表。 And it is much faster than your original solution. 而且它比原始解决方案快得多。

Now the function: 现在的功能:

def combiner(zeros=3, ones=2):
    for indices in itertools.combinations(range(zeros+ones), ones):
        item = ['0'] * (zeros+ones)
        for index in indices:
            item[index] = '1'
        yield ''.join(item)

print list(combiner(3, 2))


and this needs 14.4µs. 这需要14.4µs。

list(combiner(13, 2))

returning 105 elements needs 134µs. 返回105个元素需要134µs。

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